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Patrigan edited this page May 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

Decorator processors will take something that is already there and change it.

Read more about Random Type here.

Flower Pots

The flower pots processor will replace empty flower pots with filled ones. Any flower pot in the block tag minecraft:flower_pot can be selected. This allows for maximum mod compatibility.

The exclusion list can be used to exclude blocks from being selected. If your exclusion list empties the tag, that is on you.


  • processor_type: "structure_toolkit:flower_pots"
  • includeSaplings: Indicates whether saplings should be included. Defaults to true.
  • includeFlowers: Indicates whether flowers should be included. Defaults to true.
  • exclusion_list: A list of block IDs that should be excluded from the selector
  • Random Type: Random Type., depending on how much variety you need. Defaults to BLOCK.


Only empty flower pots will be replaced. Build your structure with this in mind. You can have both empty and filled pots in your structure, but only the empty ones will be replaced. Ideal when you need that one specific flower to be always there.

Piece random will make sure the same flower is always used. Block random will set a separate flower for every pot.


  "processor_type": "structure_toolkit:flower_pots",
  "includeSaplings":  true,
  "includeFlowers": true,
  "exclusion_list": ["minecraft:potted_cactus"],
  "Random Type": "BLOCK"

Item Frames

The Item Frame processor allows for randomizing the content of an item frame. It also gives you the power to make an item frame invisible.

The exclusion list can be used to exclude items from being selected. If your exclusion list empties the tag, that is on you.


  • processor_type: "structure_toolkit:item_frames"
  • invisible: Indicates whether the item frame needs to be rendered invisible. Defaults to false.
  • item_tag: An item tag from which items should be chosen. Required.
  • exclusion_list: A list of item IDs that should be excluded from the selector
  • Random Type: Random Type., depending on how much variety you need. Defaults to BLOCK.


Updates all item frames. For now there is no way to limit to only specific ones. You can create your own tag, in JSON format, and use that tag in this processor. That way you can create a more specific list of items to include.

The invisible setting can make your item frame render invisible. This will NOT render the item invisible. This is ideal for making a fancy look, like a sword on an anvil.

Piece random will make sure the same item is always used. Block random will set a separate item for every item frame.


  "processor_type": "structure_toolkit:item_frames",
  "invisible":  true,
  "item_tag": "minecraft:saplings",
  "exclusion_list": ["minecraft:dark_oak_sapling"],
  "Random Type": "BLOCK"
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