You can download Google Drive files and folders from the command line using the Google Drive Downloader with aria2 (gdrivedl).
- Using
to access Google Drive APIs. - Download the Folder on Local as it was structured on Google Drive.
- Resuming partially downloaded files
- Skipping Existing files
- python
- Then install these librarys
pip install google-auth-oauthlib google-auth google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client
Using your own account OAuth 2.0 Client is always preferable. You can also use rclone OAuth 2.0 Client, but it frequently returns the "Rate Limit Exceeded" error.
- Create a Google Cloud project
- Enable Google Drive API
- Configure OAuth consent & Publish your app (to prevent the token from expiring after 7 days), Make sure that you do not select any scopes for your app. It allows you to publish your app instantly.
- Create access credentials Create OAuth client ID credentials Click Create Credentials > OAuth client ID. Click Application type > Desktop app.
- Download your OAuth client ID credentials.
Make sure to change Default download location the in the file.
gdrivedl -h
usage: [-h] [--auth OAuth_client] [--limit Speed_Limit] [link]
Google Drive Downloader with aria2 integration.
positional arguments:
link Google Drive Link
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--auth OAuth_client Set up OAuth 2.0 client_secret to Access Google Drive APIs
--limit Speed_Limit Set download speed limit (Example: 500K, 10M)
- Using OAuth 2.0 client_secrets credentials to access Google Drive API
python --auth "path/client_secrets.json"
- To Download files or folders
python "Link"
- Download files or folders with speed limit
python "Link" --limit 10M
- ChatGPT
- Aria2