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DLL issues main page

viltbalint edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 19 revisions

.NET DLL-based application development issues

Use cases

Main motivation

LV usage issues

  1. Inheritance from .NET class is not possible [link]

  2. Parent class’ (public) methods not visible [link]

  3. Can´t abort .NET calls externally [link]

  4. DLL call returns default values in case of exception [link]

  5. Can´t export methods from packed library [link]

  6. Other issues [link]

VS usage issues

  1. Overwrite of .NET class member method is not possible [link]

  2. Parent class’ (public) methods not visible [link]

  3. Wrongly generated enumeration type [link]

  4. Other issues [link]