Web Server tutorial with Crow C++ web microframework.
Build in cppbox
docker build -t cppbox .
Run cppbox bash to check boost library
docker run -ti cppbox:latest bash
Add volume in /cppweb
docker run -v %CD%:/usr/src/cppweb -ti cppbox:latest bash
Build with cmake in container /usr/src/cppweb/hello_crow/build
cmake .. && make
Launch server from /cppweb
docker run -v %CD%:/usr/src/cppweb -p 18080:18080 -e PORT=18080 hello_crow:latest /usr/src/cppweb/hello_crow/build/hello_crow
Build in /cppweb/hello_crow
docker build --rm --squash --no-cache -t hello_crow:latest .
Start with mongoDB
docker run -p 18080:18080 -e PORT=18080 -e MONGODB_URI="mongodb://heroku_2vnmsbhm:[email protected]:31070/heroku_2vnmsbhm" hello_crow:latest