Project will be using an alternative color space that represents colors by human perception of color. The HSL color space uses the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance of the color.
Using C++ I will transform a image into grayscale, illini orange, create spotlight in centre and add a watermark..
This is the original image:
This code will transform this image into these:
- bool PNG::readFromFile(const std::string & fileName) loads an image based on the provided file name, a text string. The return value shows success or failure. it means a direct reference to the memory is being passed, similar to a pointer.
- bool PNG::writeToFile(const std::string & fileName) writes the current image to the providedfile name (overwriting existing files).
- unsigned int PNG::width() constreturns the width of the image.
- unsigned int PNG::height() constreturns the height of the image.
- HSLAPixel & getPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) returns a direct reference to a pixel at the specified location.
- Methods for creating empty PNGs, resizing an image, etc. You can view uiuc/PNG.h and uiuc/PNG.cpp for complete details.
The output folder is in Result folder and the main image transformation code is in ImageTransform.cpp
Type the following commands in the terminal:
1. make
to build the executable for the code.
2. ./ImageTransform
to run this executable to generate the output.
If you want to run the tests then:
1. make test
to build the test executable files.
2. ./test
to run test executable files.