Typescript sdk for codeforces.
Yes, it makes queries to official codeforces API.
Yes, because it's implemented by contestant, not codeforces team.
npm i codeforces-sdk
You can use official codeforces API documentation, but it's easier just use IDE's autocomplete.
From documentation:
API may be requested at most 1 time per two seconds
Sdk uses this limitation and rate limits requests to API, you don't need to manually sleep after each request.
You can use sdk with es-modules:
import { Types, API, init } from 'codeforces-sdk'
or with commonjs require:
const codeforces = require('codeforces-sdk')
object has five members: blogEntry
, contest
, problemset
, recentActions
and user
For example, if you want to execute contest.standings method, use API.contest.standings
This function has one object argument of type API.contest.StandingsOptions
which is alias to
contestId: ContestId
asManager?: boolean,
from?: number
count?: number
handles?: Handle | Array<Handle>
room?: number
showUnofficial?: boolean
All methods return classes which are one-to-one relation to codeforces objects:
- BlogEntry
- Comment
- Contest
- Hack
- Member
- Party
- Problem
- ProblemResult
- ProblemStatistics
- RanklistRow
- RatingChange
- RecentAction
- Submission
- User
And some more objects:
- Problemset
- Standings
Some objects are extended with extra fields for convenience: I've added contest: Contest
field in RanklistRow
and ProblemResult
Majority of classes (where applicable) has getLink(title)
and toString()
>>> user.getLink()
<a href="https://codeforces.com/profile/Igorjan94">Igorjan94</a>
>>> user.getStyledLink()
<a class="rated-user user-violet" href="https://codeforces.com/profile/Igorjan94">Igorjan94</a>
>>> contest.getLink('Contest')
<a href="https://codeforces.com/contest/1777">Contest</a>
Every API method has exactly one object argument with the same name as method, but CamelCased and appended Options
: e.g. contest.list
has ContestListOptions
You'll find illogical that, for example, contest.list
method accepts object ({gym: boolean})
instead of one boolean argument (gym: boolean)
, but I believe that:
- it's consistent with other methods;
- it's more convenient to explicitly name arguments on caller's side (compare:
andlist({gym: false})
. What doesfalse
mean in first case?); - if codeforces will add some arguments (e.g.
limit: number
,from: number
) then sdk will be backward compatible: old code won't break on sdk update.
If you want to proxy function arguments, you can use MethodNameOptions
types. It's available for every method. For example:
const multipleStandings = async (options: Omit<API.contest.StandingsOptions, 'contestId'>, ...contestIds: Array<number>) => {
for (const contestId of contestIds) {
const s = await API.contest.standings({
contestId: contestId as Types.ContestId,
I use aliases SomethingId
instead of number
and Handle
instead of string
to avoid messing up function arguments.
For example:
const contestId = 1777 as Types.ContestId
const contest = await API.contest.standings({contestId, from: 1, showUnofficial: true})
const handle = contest.rows[0].party.members[0].name
// ^-- by mistake you used `name` instead of `handle`
const users = await API.user.info({handles: [handle]})
// ^-- Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'Handle'
This snippet won't compile. But if we use string
instead of Handle
it'll successfully compile and make request to codeforces API.
All methods except user.friends
allow anauthorized access, but if you want, you can use authorization:
import {Types, API, init} from 'codeforces-sdk'
const friendList = async () => {
// Setup from object
key: 'key',
secret: 'secret',
lang: 'en',
// Or read from file (file should contain json like options object above)
// Or use CODEFORCES_KEY, CODEFORCES_SECRET and CODEFORCES_LANG env options, for example
// CODEFORCES_LANG=en node out/cjs/src/index.js
const handles = await API.user.friends()
// Reset authorization
key: null,
secret: null,
This example prints users who took part in ALL contestsIds
and solved at least one problem in each contest ordered by sum of taken places:
// Import Types and API from sdk
import { Types, API } from 'codeforces-sdk'
// Declare function with one array argument of ContestId --- alias to number
const mergeContestStandings = async (contestIds: Array<Types.ContestId>) => {
// Initialize empty map from user's handle to some stat object
const contestants: Record<Types.Handle, {off: number, unoff: number, both: number, place: number}> = {}
// Range-based for like in c++
for (const contestId of contestIds) {
// Query API method 'contest.standing' with query params
const contest = await API.contest.standings({contestId, from: 1, showUnofficial: true})
// Filter participants who didn't solve any problem
.filter(row => row.points > 0)
// And for each other participant
.forEach(row => {
// Take participant's handle
// Codeforces returns participants in array of 1..3 objects
// Typescript allows you to access 0-th element, because we are sure,
// that there is at least one participant, so handle's type will be deduced as `Handle`
// Participant [1] and [2] are optional, so row.party.members[1].handle won't compile,
// because type of row.party.members[1] is `Member | undefined`
// If you are sure, that you some contest always had at least 2 participants,
// use `!`: `row.party.members[1]!.handle`
const handle = row.party.members[0].handle
// If our map doesn't have handle as key, initialize it with empty value.
// Unlike c++ empty value in map is `undefined`
if (!(handle in contestants))
contestants[handle] = {
both: 0,
off: 0,
place: 0,
// I like trailing comma to minimize git diff and simplify adding new elements
unoff: 0,
// Now we are sure, than this object exists
// C++: auto& contestant = contestants[handle]
// ^------ note that contestant is reference!
const contestant = contestants[handle]
// ParticipantType is enum with string values
const isOff = row.party.participantType == Types.ParticipantType.CONTESTANT
const isUnoff = row.party.participantType == Types.ParticipantType.OUT_OF_COMPETITION
// Update stat
if (isOff) ++contestant.off
if (isUnoff) ++contestant.unoff
if (isOff || isUnoff) {
contestant.place += row.rank
// Object entries is Array<[key, value]>
const items = Object.entries(contestants)
// Filter participants which took part in all contests
.filter(([_, v]) => v.both == contestIds.length)
// Extend stat with user's handle
.map(([k, v]) => ({
handle: k,
// Sort them by place
// Note that typescript comparator returns negative number when first one is greater, positive when less and zero if equal
items.sort((a, b) => a.place - b.place)
// Header line
console.log('Handle place off unoff')
// Just output all items
// `${valiable}` is python's f-string: f'{variable}`
console.log(items.map(v => `${v.handle} ${v.place} ${v.off} ${v.unoff}`).join('\n'))
You can find more examples here.
Every method can throw error. It throws CodeforcesError
instance if sdk got request from codeforces and Error
otherwise (e.g. network timeout).
If you want to output colorfull standings and handles in console, you can install cli-color and then use toString({withColor: true})
with Party
, ProblemResult
or User
Now sdk has only compile tests: you can verify that all methods return proper type from documentation.
If you find any bugs (I believe they exist!) feel free to create issue on github or notify anywhere you find me by my nickname Igorjan94
- Implement unofficial methods like
- Get submission text
- Get problem samples
- Get problem statement
- ...
- Add support to overload used colors
- Runtime tests
- More examples
- ...
Fill free to PR or fork this repository!