Sends an email of the exchange rate of the a chosen currency pair on a schedule.💸 📬 🕰
Just click on the fork button located on the top of this repository and you will get an email every day at 14:00 Hrs UTC.
The default currency pair is CAD🇨🇦 x INR🇮🇳.
Both of these defualts can be changed.
Once you have forked this repository, open the main.yml
file located under .github/workflows
. Now inside the file you can change the base-currency
and target-currency
to whichever currencies you desire. 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
The supported currencies are:
We use Exchange rates api for the currency data which in turn relies on the European central bank. Thanks to those amazing folk 🙏🏻.
Simply go the main.yml
file located under .github/workflows
and you will find the cron string, it looks like this: '0 14 * * *'
. Go to crontab guru and pick out / edit the cron string of your choice, if you wanted just weekly emails, you'd change the cron string to '0 0 * * 0'
and viola, your weekly forex email pair will be delivered to your inbox. 📅