Code for the low-energy SolarDM analysis (2020) using the modified DRAGON sample.
Requirements:Icetray Environment with ROOT.
Requirements:Icetray Environment with ROOT.
Paths to the genie mc and dragon data files are hard-coded in the scripts and should be edited accordingly.
The analysis scripts are located in the scripts
Background and signal pdfs have already been generated and located under their corresponding directories: background_pdfs
and signal_pdfs
. However, the steps to generate them from data/MC from scratch are described below.
- is used to produce the background pdf for a given input channel. Edit channel in line 26.
solarWIMP_pdfs_ch11(5).py produce the signal pdfs for bb and tau tau for all masses.
For the nu-nu channel, the signal pdf generation is a two-step process: 1) Run 2) Use the root output of 1) as input for
- 1D_signal_sensitivity.cpp is used to sample from background pdf to calculate sensitivity. See compilation instructions at the top of the file. Change NPseudoexperiments to a small value (< 100) for testing. Otherwise submit as jobs on the cluster.
compile with: ```g++ -std=c++0x -O3 -o 1D_signal_sensitivity 1D_signal_sensitivity.cpp `root-config --cflags --glibs````
Input arguments are: output text file name, mass index, dataset number mass indices key is [0:100 GeV, 1:50,2:35,3:20,4:10,5:5 GeV]
Run with: ./1D_signal_sensitivity signal_sensi_mass_0_ch_11.txt 0 11 674
- Run on the output of the previous step to calculate median signal events.
- is used to calculate and save the cross-section upper limits. This script can be run directly to print the pre-unblinding sensitivity for all channels.
- is used to plot the pre-saved sensitivities/upperlimits obtained from the above script.