Ibrahim Mushtaq
This file contains the Assignment 1 Stuff
First Download the full repo through download as zip or through command
git clone https://github.com/Ibrahimmushtaq98/csci2020u.git
Note, you may want to use intellij for running this program, if not, there are other ways to run this program
Open Intellij and select the Assignment 1 Folder, and press the green play button
You would first want to access the directory
cd Assignment/Assignment\ 1/src
javac main.java && java main
Ive created a executable file that you can run. The jar file can be found within this directory
Assignment/Assignment 1/out/artifacts
For making the program work much better, Ive research a way called N-Gram, which basically takes a string like "Lets go to the car wash" and depending what n is, for example n=2, then the output would be "Lets go", "go to", "to the", "the car", "car wash". This may seems redundant but it make sense. Lets take the word "buy", "buy" could be interpret as both spam and ham. We just don't have the enough info to make a decision. A solution would be to look at the next word. The next word could be "Viagra". Due to the next word, we could make an informative decision. N-Gram accomplish this.
Unfortunately, either my programming is wrong (most probably) or the accuracy is lower than the original program, and the precision is in the same boat
The N-Gram code can be found in Filter.java
on line 226
and below