XyMeshEditor out now!
XyMeshTool is the tool whose target is to help you to improve your game or make custom and cool meshes for your Love2D games.
Xy Series is the group of devtools to improve your game optimization. It can also be used to model your own 2d mesh and render it in-game if u want.
- Xy Mesh Tool - Mesh editor
- Xy Engine - Library
- Space = Enable/disable edit mode.
- Click on vertex = Select vertex
- Click on void = Unselect vertex
- Right click = Menu
- G (while vertex selected) = Move vertex
- X = Remove vertex
- Save = When clicking it, it will save your mesh into .xymesh
- Open = When clicking it, it will open your mesh.
- Open BG = When clicking it, you can open a mesh as a background.