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This software was jointly developed by iMinds and Nextworks s.r.l. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 238875 (GÉANT), Open Call 5 "IRINA".

The contributing members of the project are (alphabetical order):

  • Addy Bombeke - Ghent University/iMinds, BE
  • Dimitri Staessens - Ghent University/iMinds, BE
  • Douwe De Bock - Ghent University/iMinds, BE
  • Francesco Salvestrini - Nextworks s.r.l., IT
  • Sander Vrijders - Ghent University/iMinds, BE
  • Vincenzo Maffione - Nextworks s.r.l., IT