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Project configuration

Julian Pömp edited this page Sep 25, 2017 · 3 revisions

To define project specific settings you can change the projectconfig.json file in ./config/localmode/projectconfig.json

In version 1.2 the projectconfig looks like this:

  "version": "1.1.0",
  "logging": {
    "forced": true
  "navigation": {
    "export": true,
    "interfaces": true,
    "help_url": ""
  "responsive": {
    "enabled": true,
    "fixedwidth": 1200
  "agreement": {
    "enabled": false,
    "text": {
      "de": "<p>Ich erkläre, dass ich die Probandeninformation zur Studie ...</p>"
  "plugins": {
    "pdfexport": {
      "url": ""
  "languages": [
  "interfaces": [
    "Editor without signal display",
    "Linear Editor",
  "feedback_form": [...]


  • version: The version shows which version of OCTRA is compatible with this configuration.

  • logging.forced: Set this to true if the user may not turn off logging interactions.

  • navigation.export: Users can export their progress.

  • navigation.interfaces: Users can switch the editor used for transcription.

  • navigation.help_url: URL to a website with more helpful information about workflows or something related to the transcription project.

  • octra.responsive.enabled: If this is set OCTRA adjust its view relative to the windows width. OCTRA can then be used by devices with smaller display sizes.

  • octra.responsive.fixedwidth: If responsive.enabled is false the view's width will be fixed to this value.

  • agreement.enabled: If the users have to accept an agreement, set this to true.

  • agreement.text: For each language you can define an agreement text (HTML).

  • plugins.pdfexport: Server URL where the pdfexport script is hosted.

  • languages: For each language in this array you need to define one guidelines_lang.json file

  • interfaces: Define the names of editors that may be used for transcription. The user can only switch between these.

  • feedback_form: Here you can set the feedback form. You can find more information in the "Feedback form configuration" section below.

Feedback form configuration

If the users should fill in a feedback form before submitting the transcript you need to do some settings.

OCTRA enables to define a custom feedback form for transcription projects. Valid items are: "radiobutton", "checkbox", "textbox".

For each question in the feedback form you need to define a group. A group is a structure like this:

      "title": {
        "de": "Sprachverständlichkeit des Sprechers"
      "name": "quality-speaker",
      "controls": [
          "type": "radiobutton",
          "label": {
            "de": "unverständlich",
            "en": "unknowable"
          "value": "0",
          "custom": {},
          "required": true
          "type": "radiobutton",
          "label": {
            "de": "weniger verständlich",
            "en": "less clear"
          "value": "1",
          "custom": {},
          "required": true
          "type": "radiobutton",
          "label": {
            "de": "verständlich",
            "en": "clear"
          "value": "2",
          "custom": {},
          "required": true
          "type": "radiobutton",
          "label": {
            "de": "sehr gut verständlich",
            "en": "very clear"
          "value": "3",
          "custom": {},
          "required": true


  • name: The HTML name of each item in this group.
  • controls.type: "radiobutton", "checkbox" or "textbox"
  • controls.label: Text label for this item
  • controls.value: If the controls are checked this value is associated with the HTML name.
  • controls.custom: Custom settings
  • controls.required: Set this to true if this field must be filled in by the user.

Remark: There is at least one item in the feedback form: A text field for comments.