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This repository contains the verifier used in the paper: "Verification of Co-Simulation Algorithms". The Verifer lets the user specify a scenario in an easy and readable way. The tool is able to parse the scenario and algortihm and runs in against the Uppaal model from the previously mentioned paper.


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This repository contains the Verifier used in the paper: "Verification of Co-Simulation Algorithms". The Verifier lets the user specify a scenario in an easy and readable way. The tool can parse a scenario and algorithm to verify it against an Uppaal model from the previously mentioned paper.

The scenarios:

The scenarios are described as several simulation units, the connections, and the orchestration algorithm used to run the co-simulation. The scenarios are divided into two folders:

  • Examples contains a scenario and a correct master algorithm.
  • Common_mistakes contains a scenario and an incorrect master algorithm.

A graphical presentation of the different co-simulation scenarios can be found in the Image-folder.

The scenarios include, among others:

  • Various versions of Algebraic Loops
  • Different Step Finding Routines
  • Algorithms with an adaptive step size
  • Algorithms with a fixed step size

Encode a scenario:

A co-simulation scenario should be encoded in the conf-format in order for the Verifier to parse and verify it! The scenario includes the FMUs and connections between them.

An example of the encoding in the conf-format for a scenario: alt text

In the scenario, an initialization procedure and co-simulation step procedure are also included.

Initialization Procedure:

The initialization procedure is a sequence of operations performed on the FMUs in the scenario during the Initialization. The initialization procedure can include the following type of operations:

  • Set a value on an FMU input port
  • Get a value on an FMU output port

An example of the initialization procedure for the scenario above:

initialization = [
    {get: msd1.x1}
    {set: msd2.x1}
    {get: msd1.v1}
    {set: msd2.v1}

Co-simulation Step Procedure:

The Co-simulation Step procedure is a sequence of operations performed on the FMUs in the scenario during a co-simulation to move all FMUs from an initial time "t" to the next point in time, where FMUs should be synchronized. The Co-simulation Step procedure can include the following type of operations:

  • Set a value on an FMU input port

    • Set this set a value obtained at the initial time of the step
    • Set-tentative this set a value obtained of get-tentative
  • Get a value on an FMU output port

    • Get this get at the initial time of the step
    • Get-tentative this get a value obtained after progression of time relative to the initial time.
  • Step - progress an FMU in time either by an implicit, an absolute, or relative step size.

  • Save the state of an FMU

  • Restore the state of an FMU to a previously saved state

  • Loop

An example of the Co-simulation Step procedure for the scenario above:

cosim-step = [
    {step: msd1} # This takes the default step size, which is 3
    {get: msd1.x1}
    {set: msd2.x1}
    {get: msd1.v1}
    {set: msd2.v1}
    {step: msd2, by: 3} # This means that the step taken is 3

Step Negotiation routine:

The Verifier can handle scenarios that need simulation using step negotiation to find a common step between the FMUs. The step negotiation should be encoded in a specific manner such that the right verification strategy is applied.

An example of a step finding routine for the scenario:

cosim-step = [
    {save-state: msd1}
    {save-state: msd2}
        loop: {
            until-step-accept: [msd1, msd2]
            iterate: [
                {step: msd1}
                {get: msd1.x1}
                {set: msd2.x1}
                {get: msd1.v1}
                {set: msd2.v1}
                {step: msd2}
            if-retry-needed: [
                {restore-state: msd1}
                {restore-state: msd2}

Notice the until-step-accept: [msd1, msd2] means that the sequence of action specified in the iterate should be performed until FMU msd1 and FMU msd2 take a step of the same size. The if-retry-needed refers to the actions that need to be performed if the two FMUs have taken a step of different size.

Routine for solving an Algebraic loop:

The routine for handling algebraic loops in the scenario should also be encoded in special way.

An example of a routine handling the algebraic loop for the scenario:

    loop: {
        until-converged: [msd1.x1, msd1.v1,]
        iterate: [
            {set: msd2.x1}
            {set: msd2.v1}
            {step: msd2}
            {step: msd1}
            {get-tentative: msd1.x1}
            {get-tentative: msd1.v1}
        if-retry-needed: [
            {restore-state: msd1}
            {restore-state: msd2}

Notice the until-converged: [msd1.x1, msd1.v1,] means that the sequence of action specified in the iterate should be performed until the values retrieved on the output ports msd1.x1, msd1.v1, is stable on two successive iterations. The if-retry-needed refers to the actions that need to be performed if a fixed-point between iterations haven't ben obtained.

Generating Uppaal models from a scenario:

The scenarios in these directories are translated to the Uppaal model that can be verified using Uppaal (We have tested it using version 4.1.24) by the scenario_verifier-assembly-*.jar. Code and build instructions for the jar.

The translation of the examples to Uppaal can be performed using the shell script This script requires Java 11 or higher to be in the system environment.

The Generated Uppaal models can be found in Uppaal-models. This is divided into two different folders examples and should_fail.

A single scenario can generated using:

java -jar scenario_verifier-assembly-*.jar -m ScenarioFile.conf -o OutputUppaalFile.xml

Testing the generated Uppaal model:

The Uppaal model can be automatically verified using Uppaal using the shell script

To successfully run the verification, the verifyTA executable of UPPAAL should be added to the system environment.

A single scenario can be generated and verified using:

java -jar scenario_verifier-assembly-*.jar -m ScenarioFile.conf -o OutputUppaalFile.xml --verify 

Generating an animation of the trace from Uppaal:

If an algorithm cannot be verified, the trace generated by Uppaal can be generated by the tool. This can be very useful for troubleshooting the algorithm. A single scenario can be generated, verified and potential a trace can be generated using:

java -jar scenario_verifier-assembly-*.jar -m ScenarioFile.conf -o OutputUppaalFile.xml --verify --trace

Some of examples of anomations generated can be seen in the Video-folder.

Running the app with logging:

App uses log4j2 for logging. To run it, set the location of the xml configuration of the logging:

java -D"log4j.configurationFile=.\log4j2.xml" -jar .\scenario_verifier-assembly-0.1.jar

An example of log4j2.xml is in the source directory.


See script release.ps1 where examples are deployed and run.

Setup Development Environment

This is a simple sbt project.

See and build.sbt for sbt and scala versions.

Sbt requires Java version 11 or greater.

In order to successfully run the tests the verifyTA executable of UPPAAL (we have tested using v. 4.1.24) should be added in the system environment.

The following will produce the jar of the app.

sbt assembly

The script release.ps1 shows the steps to produce a release version.

Running tests

All tests are run when the sbt assembly is invoked. To run a specific test, use the following on sbt interpreter:

testOnly PositiveTests -- -z "work for simple_master"

where PositiveTests denotes the suite, and work for simple_master is the text identifying the specific test function to call.

Running the app using Docker

The app can be run using Docker - the image can be built using the following command:

  sbt docker:publishLocal

Now the app can be run using the following command:

  docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app scenario_verifier:$VERSION

where $VERSION is the version of the app (see build.sbt).


@SimplisticCode will implement the following:

  • Optimization of Algorithms
    • Parallelization
    • Fewest Possible Actions in a Step
  • Write Documentation about the Synthesizer
  • Write Documentation about the Generator
  • Extend the Uppaal-model so it can verify Hierarchical Co-simulation scenarios
  • Extend the Verifier with the ability to have multiple configurations of the same scenario


This repository contains the verifier used in the paper: "Verification of Co-Simulation Algorithms". The Verifer lets the user specify a scenario in an easy and readable way. The tool is able to parse the scenario and algortihm and runs in against the Uppaal model from the previously mentioned paper.







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