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Local IPFS Daemon Basic Usage
To get a general list of commands, run ipfs help
$ ipfs help
ipfs - Global p2p merkle-dag filesystem.
ipfs [--config=<config> | -c] [--debug=<debug> | -D] [--help=<help>] [-h=<h>] [--local=<local> | -L] [--api=<api>] <command> ...
init Initialize ipfs local configuration
add <path> Add a file to ipfs
cat <ref> Show ipfs object data
get <ref> Download ipfs objects
ls <ref> List links from an object
refs <ref> List hashes of links from an object
block Interact with raw blocks in the datastore
object Interact with raw dag nodes
files Interact with objects as if they were a unix filesystem
daemon Start a long-running daemon process
mount Mount an ipfs read-only mountpoint
resolve Resolve any type of name
name Publish or resolve IPNS names
dns Resolve DNS links
pin Pin objects to local storage
repo Manipulate the IPFS repository
id Show info about ipfs peers
bootstrap Add or remove bootstrap peers
swarm Manage connections to the p2p network
dht Query the DHT for values or peers
ping Measure the latency of a connection
diag Print diagnostics
config Manage configuration
version Show ipfs version information
update Download and apply go-ipfs updates
commands List all available commands
Use 'ipfs <command> --help' to learn more about each command.
ipfs uses a repository in the local file system. By default, the repo is located
at ~/.ipfs. To change the repo location, set the $IPFS_PATH environment variable:
export IPFS_PATH=/path/to/ipfsrepo
If you want the comprehensive list with explanation per command, visit this link
If you haven't done so, you need to init your ipfs node, run ipfs init
$ ipfs init
initializing ipfs node at /data/ipfs
generating 2048-bit RSA keypair...done
peer identity: QmTF2vSfCBSYwA4c49aYKC2dTmi589e6GNMtyawu4173KR
to get started, enter:
ipfs cat /ipfs/QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG/readme
This will create the basic directories of your node. Let's take a peek
$ find /data/ipfs
We can see an old friend: LevelDB. Also the blocks there, are the default files' ones.
Let's check a default file, using the command ipfs cat
given after the initialization
$ ipfs cat /ipfs/QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG/readme
Hello and Welcome to IPFS!
██╗██████╗ ███████╗███████╗
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██║██║ ██║ ███████║
╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝
If you're seeing this, you have successfully installed
IPFS and are now interfacing with the ipfs merkledag!
| Warning: |
| This is alpha software. Use at your own discretion! |
| Much is missing or lacking polish. There are bugs. |
| Not yet secure. Read the security notes for more. |
Check out some of the other files in this directory:
./quick-start <-- usage examples
./readme <-- this file
We want to take a peek at the configuration. For that purpose we can just read the config file,
or use ipfs config
The straightforward way: Dumps the whole config json
$ cat /data/ipfs/config ; echo
"Identity": {
"PeerID": "QmYAzVfQU33zW7N8Qsws12yF63NiMAVujVGGXdCxxVWzxw",
"PrivKey": "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"
"Datastore": {
"Type": "leveldb",
"Path": "/data/ipfs/datastore",
"StorageMax": "10GB",
"StorageGCWatermark": 90,
"GCPeriod": "1h",
"Params": null,
"NoSync": false,
"HashOnRead": false,
"BloomFilterSize": 0
"Addresses": {
"Swarm": [
"API": "/ip4/",
"Gateway": "/ip4/"
"Mounts": {
"IPFS": "/ipfs",
"IPNS": "/ipns",
"FuseAllowOther": false
"Discovery": {
"MDNS": {
"Enabled": true,
"Interval": 10
"Ipns": {
"RepublishPeriod": "",
"RecordLifetime": "",
"ResolveCacheSize": 128
"Bootstrap": [
"Tour": {
"Last": ""
"Gateway": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
"RootRedirect": "",
"Writable": false,
"PathPrefixes": []
"SupernodeRouting": {
"Servers": null
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": null
"Swarm": {
"AddrFilters": null
More friendly, in my opinion, we can check the fields individually
$ ipfs config Datastore
"BloomFilterSize": 0,
"GCPeriod": "1h",
"HashOnRead": false,
"NoSync": false,
"Params": null,
"Path": "/data/ipfs/datastore",
"StorageGCWatermark": 90,
"StorageMax": "10GB",
"Type": "leveldb"
$ ipfs config Datastore.Path
These are the default nodes to join the IPFS network
$ ipfs config Bootstrap
Which we can check with ipfs bootstrap
$ ipfs bootstrap
Say, we want to delete them. If we'd want to have our private IPFS network, this step is useful
$ ipfs bootstrap rm --all
$ ipfs bootstrap list
$ ipfs config Bootstrap
To restore to default state
$ ipfs bootstrap add --default
$ ipfs bootstrap list
To add your list of nodes from a file bootstrap-node-list
$ cat bootstrap-node-list | ipfs bootstrap add
OK. Let's open a different console and run
$ ipfs daemon
Initializing daemon...
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/
Daemon is ready
You can set verbosity up
$ env IPFS_LOGGING=info ipfs daemon
13:39:44.732 INFO cmd/ipfs: IPFS_PATH /data/ipfs main.go:301
Initializing daemon...
13:39:44.751 INFO core: Swarm listening at: [/ip4/ /ip4/ /ip6/::1/tcp/4001] core.go:613
13:39:47.528 INFO core: bootstrapped with <peer.ID SoLer2> bootstrap.go:184
13:39:47.743 INFO core: bootstrapped with <peer.ID aCpDMG> bootstrap.go:184
13:39:48.195 INFO core: bootstrapped with <peer.ID SoLnSG> bootstrap.go:184
13:39:48.236 INFO core: bootstrapped with <peer.ID SoLMeW> bootstrap.go:184
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/
Daemon is ready
13:39:48.242 INFO core/serve: Using API.HTTPHeaders:map[] commands.go:50
13:39:48.242 INFO core/serve: Using API.HTTPHeaders:map[] commands.go:50
If you are a masochist, you can set IPFS_LOGGING
to debug
. Go for it, try it ;-)
We have the daemon running. So what? Well, let's check our connected peers
$ ipfs swarm peers
If you've been paying attention, you can recognise some of the bootstrap nodes in this list.
So, we are connected! That means two things:
- If we add a file, we can retrieve it (provided we know its hash) from any node connected to the network.
- We can retrieve any file from the network using
ipfs cat
We have this file we just created
$ cd /tmp
$ date > my-file
$ cat my-file
Thu Nov 17 14:07:28 UTC 2016
Let's add it using ipfs add
$ ipfs add my-file
added QmfJ1ezKNPefT1Edqb6vMapqjZGjvv2WeYA5SNDGCXumy4 my-file
It was successfully added, and the daemon returned us a hash.
In this case is `QmfJ1ezKNPefT1Edqb6vMapqjZGjvv2WeYA5SNDGCXumy4`
Let's ask the daemon for this file
$ ipfs cat QmfJ1ezKNPefT1Edqb6vMapqjZGjvv2WeYA5SNDGCXumy4 Thu Nov 17 14:07:28 UTC 2016
Cool, is there. Let's see if we can retrieve this file from the IPFS Network.
(Which is the whole point of this system).
We could open up a browser and ask for the route
But, since we are on the console, let's use `curl`
$ curl https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmfJ1ezKNPefT1Edqb6vMapqjZGjvv2WeYA5SNDGCXumy4
Thu Nov 17 14:07:28 UTC 2016
### Some observations after `add`ing a file
* We asked the file to `ipfs.io`. This gateway won't store the file, only relay it.
* You `add`ed the file, however, if you turn the daemon off, since nobody else stored it, this file will be unavailable. Files need to be `pin`ned ([see this link](https://ipfs.io/docs/commands/#ipfs-pin), in order to be persisted and be resilient to unavailable nodes.
* Last, but not least. If your daemon has garbage collection enabled `--enable-gc`, you risk losing this very file from your machine (rendering unavailable). You need to `pin` it to persist it forever.
### That's it!
This basic run leaves you armed with the necessary knowledge to keep going forward. Check the documents, try to play with every command, and enjoy, helping making the web to be really decentralized!