mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
./TritonBot [arg1] [arg2] ...
run ./TritonBot -h to print the help message
to rebuild proto source
rm proto/proto_generated.cmake_msg
rm -rf proto/ProtoGenerated
cd build
make proto
refer to for more details
Recommend using CLion, but it's not free. vscode might be a good option too.
if you aren't familiar with using vscode:
- when using vscode
- vscode intellisense could be quite slow sometimes, be patient and don't get panic if you see lots of error squiggles when openning a source file for the first time. (Especially include errors)
- recommended plug-in:
- c/c++ (microsoft: intellisense, debugging, ...)
- Better C++ Syntax
- CMake (CMake language support for vscode)
- CMake Tools (Extended CMake support in vscode)
- vscode-proto3 (Protobuf3 support for vscode)
- Header source switch
- Include Autocomplete
- use right click -> rename symbols to rename anything, similar to intellij/Clion's refactor/rename
- Alt + O to toggle between header and source
- Alt + left/right arrow to go back or forward
- ctrl+shift+P then type in CMake:xxx
- use "CMake:Build Target" to build
- use "CMake:Debug" to open gdb session (google how to set break point, super easy)
- The magnifier icon on the left column is very useful to do global search
- Additional recommended vscode plugins:
- Git History
- GitLens
- Markdown All in One
- vscode-icons
- Live Share (highly recommended for teamwork)
- Txt Syntax