It will take a very long time to get your Adyen account setup. It took us almost a month before all the paperwork and verification by the bank were completed.
Before you continue you should have the following:
- Active Adyen Test account
- Recurring mode enabled (ask Adyen to do this)
- Skin created with creditcard paymentmethods enabled
Install the vendors using this command
php bin/vendors install
Edit app/config/parameters.yml
and set the database information
Run this command to create the database + fixtures
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Edit the sparkling_adyen parameters at the end of app/config/config.yml
platform: test
merchant_account: Your merchant account
skin: Your skincode
shared-secret: Your shared secret for this skin
webservice_username: [email protected]
webservice_password: Your webservice user password
You can find the username and password for the webservice at the following page:
Make sure your Webservice User has "Merchant Recurring role" enabled!
Go to
and setup the following url:
Press Save Settings
and click Test settings
You should receive something like this:
SOAP notification test:
Output : [accepted]
ResponseTime_ms : 239
ResponseCode : 200
Go to http://localhost/yourdirectory/web/app_dev.php/billing
and click Click here to setup your creditcard
Choose MasterCard en use the following information:
Your Name
5555 4444 3333 1111
Proceed with the payment flow. The RecurringBillingContract is now set.
Charge the accounts by running the following command
php app/console adyen:charge
You should see something like this:
Charging 1 account
AcmeCorp Done