We are proud to announce the second release of the IBEX Imaging Community Knowledge-Base!
All changes and updates have been integrated into the official Knowledge-Base web-site.
This release includes significant additions compared to the previous release, v0.1.0:
- New Knowledge-Base sections with information on: protocols (4 entries), videos (10 tutorials and 4 general talks), data and software (4 datasets, 3 software packages).
- 13 additional publications.
- 10 additional reagent vendors.
- 155 new reagent validation results.
- 17 reagent entries replicated by one or more independent researchers. We view replication as critical for reagent validation and reward it with co-authorship on the Zenodo releases (up to five independent individuals per entry). We also had our first disagreement, which we hope to resolve when others replicate this validation.
- 212 images supporting reported reagent validation results.
- Automated validation of contributions to ensure entry consistency and correctness. Validation scripts are publicly available on the Knowledge-Base utilities repository and used in the Knowledge-Base automated Continuous Integration script.
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who contributed to this release.
We would like to especially recognize the following new contributors (identified by their unique Open Researcher and Contributor ID):
0009-0004-2746-8743, 0000-0003-3335-3534, 0000-0003-1118-7432, 0009-0000-2047-4228, 0009-0006-1490-3667, 0009-0006-9784-2694, 0000-0001-5088-7808, 0000-0002-6944-6997, 0000-0002-6604-2065, 0000-0003-1130-1899.