This repository contains all EXFOR entries converted to JSON by the EXFOR Parser. The latest EXFOR master files are in exfor_master repository. Note that this is still a working version, and it may change without any notifications. The current data is created using v20240611.0 in exfor_master. (Automatic update will be implemented soon.)
You can download the repository from a terminal using:
git clone
The JSON format (Schema) is not the final version and still under discussions. The current schema looks as follows:
entry : "string"
last_updated : "string"
number_of_rev : "string"
histories : []
bib_record : {}
title : "string"
authors : []
institutes : []
references : []
facility : []
history : []
experimental_conditions : {}
001 : {}
analysis : [ pointer: {} ]
correction : [ pointer: {} ]
decay-data : [ pointer: {} ]
detector : [ pointer: {} ]
err-analys : [ pointer: {} ]
facility : [ pointer: {} ]
monitor : [ pointer: {} ]
sample : [ pointer: {} ]
status : [ pointer: {} ]
002 : {}
data_tables : {}
001 : {}
common : {}
heads : []
units : []
002 : {}
reaction : [ pointer: {} ]
common : {}
heads : []
units : []
data : []
data : {}
heads : []
units : []
data : []
A simple example of plotting the data in Entry #12898, Subentry #002 is as follows:
import json
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = open("json/128/12898.json")
data = json.load(f)
entry_data = data["data_tables"]["002"]["data"]
## Header
print("data headers: ", entry_data["heads"])
## Unit
print("data units: ", entry_data["units"])
## Load to Python dictionary
dict = {entry_data["heads"][i]: entry_data["data"][i] for i in range(len(entry_data["heads"]))}
## Load dictionary to pd.DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(dict, index=None)
df["dy"] = df["DATA 2"] * df["ERR-T 2"]/100
df.plot(x ="EN", y="DATA 2", yerr='dy', kind="scatter")