The idea behind A Race athlete is to help people pick, plan and train for their primary endurance race goals, or "A race". It works using by connecting to Strava, a popular endurance sport application for authentication, authorization and data. To see A Race athlete in action or check out the features, just go to the homepage.
It uses a fairly standard Nodejs/Express setup for serving up MongoDB data and a React/Redux front end skinned in Material-ui.
- Real Favicon Generator - CSS-Tricks
- Flow type - github
- Node.js - github - docs
- Experss - github - docs
- GatsbyJS - github - docs
- Google:
- Geo Coding
- Elevation * Time Zones
- Distance - not yet implemented
- Open Weather Maps for Local Weather
- Strava for Oauth and Data
- United States Naval Observatory for Astrophases
- axios - github - xhr (see client/actions/index)
- date-fns - like lodash for dates
- express-form - github
- flow-bin - github
- node-geocoder - github
- marked - github
- material-ui - github
- moment - time conversions
- mongoose - github - ORM for Mongodb
- mongoose-findorcreate - github
- nodemon - github - run node on a watcher
- node-schedule - github - Like cron for node
- passport - github
- passport-jwt - github
- passport-local - github
- passport-strava-oauth2 - github
- react - github
- react-icons - github
- react-redux - github - react/redux bindings
- react-router v4 - github
- react-scroll - github
- redux - github
- redux-form-material-ui - github
- redux-form - github
- requestify - github - caching http client for node
- serialize-javascript - similar to JSON.stringify
- node-strava-v3 - github
- uuid - github - generates UUIDs