Implementation of RFC-7517 (JSON Web Key) compliant key handling.
The module can be used to convert keys into buffers or other formats to enable the direct use of JWK formatted keys with other node modules like njwt and others.
The module offers the classes JWK
and JWKSet
to work with JWK encoded keys
or key sets.
You can instantiate either of the objects from a stringified JSON or an object.
const njwk = require('node-jwk');
const myKey = njwk.JWK.fromJSON(myJSONString);
const myKeySet = njwk.JWKSet.fromObject(myKeySet);
Keysets can contain a number of different keys which are unique by their kid.
The JWKSet class offers the findKeyById
method that will let you grab a key
by its id and returns it wrapped in a JWK object.
There might be cases where you want to use a key designated for encoding/decoding or
signing/verification. With findKeysByUse
you can retrieve an array of all
contained keys that match the use given.
But remember that the use property is specified as OPTIONAL, so is the content of it. Be prepared that keys you get from 3rd party could miss it.
Returns all keys as an array of JWK objects.
Factory to instantiate JWKSet objects. This method will throw on invalid keysets (the keyset structure or invalid JSON). According to the specification (RFC) invalid keys contained in a valid set are ignored.
All standard JWK properties are exposed by the JWK object. Be aware that per
specification all properties but kty
and kid
are optional. Here's a list:
Through the key property you can access the key algorithm specific functionality.
Returns true if the key contains a private key part.
Generates a PEM that contains the public key of the JWK. This can be used directly as key in OpenSSL or other node modules and works for EC as well as RSA keys.
Generates a PEM that contains the private key of the JWK. This can be used directly as key in OpenSSL or other node modules and works for EC as well as RSA keys.
Factory to instantiate JWK objects. This method will throw on invalid keys (the keyset structure or invalid JSON). Normally you should use keysets to manage your keys instead of single keys.
The example uses bluebird promises to be able to catch exceptions thrown in the key retrieval and lodash for convenience.
const time = Math.floor( / 1000);
const claims = {
iss: 'itsME',
aud: 'myAudience',
iat: time,
exp: time + 3600
return BbPromise.try(() => {
const keySet = nodeJWK.JWKSet.fromObject(myPrivateKeySet);
const jwk = keySet.findKeyById(myKeyId);
if (!jwk) {
return BbPromise.reject(new Error('Huh, my key is not there...'));
const keyPEM = jwk.key.toPrivateKeyPEM();
const jwt = njwt.create(claims, keyPEM, jwk.alg);
return BbPromise.resolve(jwt.compact());
.catch(err => {
return BbPromise.reject(err);
RSA, EC, oct
All keys but binary (oct) keys can be converted into PEM format for their public and private keys.