Wordpress ACF skeleton theme classic
- Webpack 5 config
- Bundle JS (babel env & jquery)
- Sass extraction
- Fonts, icons, images
- Input all templates and assets in /src/
- Output theme in /dist/ or other path of choice
- Uses browser-sync with proxy to LocalWP (or other local server)
- Uses dart sass to compile scss
- CSS gets extracted & minified to /assets/css/main.css, which is enqueued by theme
- Uses @babel/preset-env to transpile modern Javascript
- Imports all js files from /assets/js/src/ to bundle.js, which is enqueued by theme
- Note: js is wrapped in Jquery alias functions so wordpress can handle it
/src/ OR /dist/
-- assets /
-- js/
-- src/
-- css/
-- scss/
-- icons/
-- images/
-- fonts/