Welcome to a Japanese LLM created using base model Open-Calm and finetuned on Japanese Alpaca Dataset. You can use this model to do any Language related task
- Iroduction
- Installation
- Finetuning
- Inference Single
- Inference Batch
- Inference Demo
- Demo
This LLM Apllication was build to create a intrustion based Japanese LLM. After openning the application you can ask any question or give it any language related task and the model will reply in Japanese
To get started, you need to set up the Conda environment.
If you haven't already, install Conda from the official Anaconda website and follow the installation instructions.
To Finetune the model you first need to change the 'config.py' file as necessary. You can change the base model, dataset or any other training configuration as needed. The 'model_name' and 'dataset' should be huggingface model and dataset
model_name = 'cyberagent/open-calm-7b'
dataset = 'fujiki/japanese_alpaca_data'
dataset_dir = 'Dataset/JP_Alpaca'
peft_name = 'lora-calm-7b'
output_dir = 'lora-calm-7b-japanese-alpaca_v1'
idx = 5
eval_steps = 200
save_steps = 200
logging_steps = 20
EPOCHS = 100
LE = 3e-4
target_modules = 'query_key_value'
After that you can simply run the 'finetune_lora.py' file.
python finetune_lora.py
You can also see logs of training using tensorboard using the below command.
tensorboard --logdir lora-calm-7b-japanese-alpaca_v1/runs
To do a single Inference you have to give the correct peft model path in 'config.py' and run 'inference_lora_single.py' file. After that give the necesary inputs to get reponse from LLM
peft_model_path = 'lora-calm-7b-japanese-alpaca_v1/checkpoint-164000'
python inference_lora_single.py
To do a batch Inference on Test dataset of any custom dataset you have to select BATCH_SIZE and the path where you'll save the inference json in 'config.py'
batch_inference_json_path = 'test_inference_dict_japanese_alpaca_best_train-loss.json'
and run 'inference_lora_batch.py' file. After some time this script will create a json file containing grounth truths and predictions so you can use it for evaluation
python inference_lora_batch.py'
To run the app you just hape to run the following command,
python app.py