Plugin for Redmine. Show every issue attachment as either thumbnailable image or as a file icon
- View issue attachments similar to files in a graphical file browser like Explorer, Finder, KDE, etc
download plugin and copy plugin folder redmine_all_thumbnails go to Redmine's plugins folder (no need to migrate)
restart server f.i.
- go to plugins folder, delete plugin folder redmine_all_thumbnails
rm -r redmine_all_thumbnails
- restart server f.i.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Go to Administration->plugins and choose
- your favorite icon set. (Source:
- use SVG (faster) or PNG (more compatibl) file format as thumbnails / icons
- Go to Administration->Settings->Display and choose "Display attachment thumbnails"
- Go to issues and view your attachments as file icons or thumbnailable images
Have fun!
- English
- German
1.0.5 supports redmine 4+ 1.0.4 enhanced visual appearance of config dialog
- cleaned up and simplified code
- added configuration choice to unselect images and pdf for icons 1.0.3 enhanced compatibility with other preview plugins
- added icon for eml-files (email) to icon set 2
- addd feature to truncate long attachment filenames 1.0.2 Moved parts of code to enhance compatibility with other plugins
- separated functionality from Redmine Thumbnail PDF
- separated functionality from Redmine Preview PDF
- added setup choice to either use SVG (fast) or PNG (more compatible) as thumbnails / icons
1.0.1 Running on Redmine 3.4.6