Web application that matches gamers in the MMO (massively multiplayer online) game league of legends (with possibility to add other/more games in the future). Our website will enable players to get matched and search for other players with complementary roles in a game.
Profile, Friends, Messages
Backend Heroku deployment: https://premade-backend.herokuapp.com/api/v1/players/
Frontend Heroku deployment: https://premade-play.herokuapp.com/
- Collaborated on updated data structure
- Code review, updates, and edits
- Created the registration page
- Updating individual player profile page
- Deployed backend to heroku and linked to MongoDb in Config Vars
- Debugged backend and frontend linking
- Created the home page carousel
- Created the player card on the player list
- Updating player list of all players with multiple pages
- Updated deployed frontend and linked to backend in Config Vars
- Debugged backend and frontend linking
- Creating the better layout of player card at the frontend
- Fetching the user input data for storing and matching
- Further refining combined code and finishing up the frontend
- Collaborated on updated data structure
- Code review, updates, and edits
- Setup MongoDb online database and added players dummy data
- Updated backend data format and querying to better suit search functions in frontend
- Created individual player profile page
- Deployed backend to heroku and linked to MongoDb in Config Vars
- Debugged backend and frontend linking
- Created player list of all players with multiple pages
- Implemented search functionality with multiple search criteria
- Updated players controller to better suit new data fetching
- Updated deployed frontend and linked to backend in Config Vars
- Debugged backend and frontend linking
- Matching backend data to frontend data and finding dummy data issues and fixes
- Props vs params figuring out the best use for each in our code
- Further refining combined code and finishing up the frontend
Working Heroku deployment: https://premade-play.herokuapp.com/
- Designed the database and shape of data
- Created a workplan and divided tasks
- Setup github repo
- Started implementing backend
- Starter code for get player data and message date from MangoDB
- Developed mutifilter function at backend.
- Shaped github folder structure
- Started implementing frontend
- Starter code for login and logged out, webapp functions, and pages
- Deployed the frontend to heroku
- Getting backend and frontend to run and build on each other's devices
- Putting the backend in communication with the front end
- Further refining and combining code
Working Heroku deployment: https://premade-play.herokuapp.com/
- Designed the database and shape of data
- Created a workplan and divided tasks
- Setup github repo
- Started implementing backend
- Starter code for get player data and message date from MangoDB
- Developed mutifilter function at backend.
- Shaped github folder structure
- Started implementing frontend
- Starter code for login and logged out, webapp functions, and pages
- Deployed the frontend to heroku
- Getting backend and frontend to run and build on each other's devices
- Putting the backend in communication with the front end
- Further refining and combining code