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Building Godot 2.1 for PlayStation Portable

Caroline Joy Bell edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 5 revisions

These steps must be performed under Linux / Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), or macOS.


If you haven't done so already, install the dependencies called for by the official Godot docs

  • Install pspdev

    # Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd pspdev
    # Bootstrap
    # replace this with the distro you are using
    # options are: `arch`, `debian-ubuntu`, `fedora`, `gentoo`, `mac-os`
    # Add to PATH (add this to ~/.bashrc for persistence after reboot)
    export PSPDEV=~/pspdev
    export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/bin # add pspdev tool to $PATH
    # Finish install

Getting the source code

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned repo
    cd Godot
  3. Checkout the main/2.1 branch
    git checkout origin/main/2.1


  1. Run scons platform=psp in the root of the repo. Add target=release to the end to build for release instead of debug.

Exporting for PlayStation Portable

  1. Go to export -> Linux -> Export zip/pck and name the file data.pck
  2. Create a folder on your PSP in /PSP/GAME/ and call it whatever you like
  3. Drop the EBOOT.PBP file into that folder
  4. Copy the data.pck file in that same folder

When updating the game on the PSP, just replacing the data.pck file is enough.

The editor releases add a PSP exporter to the list - it will generate a homebrew EBOOT.PBP file that can be copied to your PSP under PSP/GAME.