Next14 + App router
- Framework:
(UsingApp Router
) - Compiler:
- Styling:
- Testing tool:
+React Testing Library
- Code generator:
- CI / CD:
Github Actions
npm i -g yarn
$ yarn dev
$ yarn storybook
$ yarn test
You can generate code with Plopjs
You can decide whether a component will be server-side or client-side, along with test code.
- Api route
- Component (ssr available)
- Pages and layouts (ssr available)
$ yarn g
├── .github # GitHub Actions workflows and configurations
├── .husky # Husky configurations for Git hooks
├── .storybook # Storybook configurations and stories
├── generator # Directory for code generation templates and configurations
│ ├── template # Templates used by PlopJS for generating code
│ └── plopfile.mjs # PlopJS configuration file for defining generators
├── public # Static files served directly by the server
├── src
│ ├── app # NextJS App Router configurations and source files
│ │ └── api # API route handlers for server-side functionality
│ ├── assets # Static assets like images, fonts, etc.
│ ├── components # Reusable React components
│ ├── constant # Constants used throughout the application
│ ├── hooks # Custom React hooks
│ ├── libs # Library files and utilities
│ ├── provider # Context providers for global state management
│ ├── stores # State management stores (e.g., Redux, Zustand)
│ ├── styles # Global and component-specific styles
│ ├── types # TypeScript type definitions
│ └── utils # Utility functions and helpers
├── .eslintrc.json # ESLint configuration file for linting JavaScript/TypeScript
├── .example.env # Example environment variables file
├── .gitignore # Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git
├── .prettierignore # Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Prettier
├── .prettierrc # Prettier configuration file for code formatting
├── .swcrc # SWC configuration file for JavaScript/TypeScript compilation
├── additional.d.ts # Additional TypeScript type definitions
├── jest.config.ts # Jest configuration file for testing
├── jest.setup.ts # Setup file for configuring Jest and testing environment
├── next.config.mjs # Next.js configuration file
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── # Project documentation and instructions
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration file
└── yarn.lock # Lockfile for Yarn dependencies
- CI (Github actions + Husky)
- Set folder structure
- Jest(with server component)
- Storybook(with server component)
- Generator
- GraphQL