- Headline: Rohingya villages burnt to the ground in Myanmar, sparking one of world’s worst refugee crises
- Description: Satellites have photographed scores of burning villages near Myanmar’s western border.
- Author: Harry Stevens
- Date: 21 September, 2017
- URL: http://www.hindustantimes.com/interactives/rohingya-villages-burning-myanmar-rakhine/
All of the data used for this project can be found in the data
directory. Most of the files in the directory were used for mapping. The source data for the story is in the file called myanmar-fires.csv
. This was provided to the Hindustan Times by Amnesty International on 15 September, 2017. Here is their description of the data collection:
The spreadsheet has the coordinates + the date the fire was detected. Please note that the locations are not village locations, but the locations of active fires that were detected by satellite sensors; the locations of the fires overlap with, or are in close proximity to, villages.
Furthermore, in the press release Amensty published on 14 September, 2017, about the village burnings, they provide the following information about the data:
Due to sensor limitations, actual number of fires is likely higher. Eyewitness testimony, images and videos suggest a higher number of affected areas. Sources: Lance Firms (fire data); MIMU (village tracts)