Template for writing your UNL thesis with bookdown.
To Use
- Fork this repository to a new Rproject hosted on your computer or download and exctract the repository as a .zip file and create a new Rproject within the folder.
- In RStudio, in the Environment/Git window pane, click on the Build tab. Then Build Book. This will take some time, especially for the first build. Let it go!
- Your thesis document can be found in at _book/thesis.pdf.
Debuging Tips
- Make sure your R/RStudio is updated (>= version 3.6.3). When was the last time this was updated?
- Make sure you have latex/MikTex on your computer. Can you knit a pdf?
- You may need to follow the initial setup instructions at https://github.com/benmarwick/huskydown.
- Modified from: https://github.com/benmarwick/huskydown.
- University format guidelines: https://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/academics/degrees/guidelines/format#global
- Download Emily A. Robinson (creator) dissertation pdf file here.
- View Emily A. Robinson (creator) dissertation bookdown code on the GitHub repository here
If there are any adjustments or issues, you can contact me via my contact form.