Dela - Swedish word for 'to split' or "to Share", and that's what is is. Let's share!
A iOS application written in Swift
and SwiftUI
that talks to a Rust
based gRPC
server with all the normal shenanigans!
What is it then?
It's a Instagram/Pintrest/Blog/Reddit app with A simple focus: To tell a story.
[Todo: Images, more text, links etc]
No but seriously, you might need a Mac, xcode
installed with 'Location -> Command line tools'
You need Homebrew
for the setup script, check it out if you want to opt-out of it. You'll need Rust too.
Run the setup script to prepare xcode for running the backend project It'll download and generate needed binaries that are not distrobuted by brew
Things it adds: protobuf + grpc-swift and it generates the client for initial setup
# chmod +x
After running the setup, double check your Dela_App -> local.xcconfig
After installing the requirements and you've run the setup script.
This is how you run the server from terminal:
cd Dela_Backend
docker-compose -f stack.yml up -d
cargo run
Docker is not needed, however it is convenient! the stack.yml file sets up the backend dependencies. Have a look a t http://localhost:8081/ for the DB viewer.
If you want to develop the server, you'll know how 🥸
To run the app, use xcode
and ... 🥸
Use rust-analyzers
that you can find for vscode and other editors, it's awesome