OptIn is a simple Django app to manage User Preferences. For each Category, Users can select Yes or No.
You set the Categories through the Admin panel
Detailed documentation is needs writing.
Add "optin" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'optin', ]
Include the polls URLconf in your project urls.py like this:
path('optin/', include('optin.urls')),
Run python manage.py migrate to create the polls models.
Start the development server and visit to create a Category (you'll need the Admin app enabled).
Add <a href="{% url 'optin:user_opt_selection' user.id %}">OptIns</a> to a template to provide a link. Please note, User must be logged in.
Visit, Login and click link to set preferences.
OptIn uses AUTH_USER_MODEL as the default user model. It will default to the Django User model if AUTH_USER_MODEL is not set in settings.py
OPTIN_SETTINGS_UPDATE_MESSAGE_BOOLEAN: If True, on successful update of preferences the OPTIN_SETTINGS_UPDATE_MESSAGE is presented to User (via django messages). Default = True
OPTIN_SETTINGS_UPDATE_MESSAGE: Message displayed to User if OPTIN_SETTINGS_UPDATE_MESSAGE_BOOLEAN set to True. Default = 'Preferences Updated'