This logo for the rust-bio project is based on Ferris the Rustacean designed by Karen Rustad Tölva. Specifically, this logo is derived from the Happy version of Ferris (published under CC0 1.0).
The DNA sequence was added in Inkscape using the bend from clipboard option as described in this graphic design stackexchange answer. The colors of the bases have been chosen from the OkabeIto colorblind barrier-free palette.
The version decided upon in rust-bio/rust-bio#336.
A padded version is also available.
Version 1, used as logo for the Discord channel:
Version 2, as version 1, but with thicker lines for the DNA:
Version 3, a variation with larger and more curled DNA:
Version 4, a variation of version 3 with curled DNA in front:
The rust-bio logo is available under the MIT License to be in line with the remainder of the rust-bio project.