This repo contains scripts and metadata for the paper "Corpus-based dialectometry with topic models". For the original data, see below. There are two scripts: one for pre-processing your data to character n-grams, and one for the actual topic modeling. For Morfessor-segmentation, please refer to
- assumes your data is stored in a folder as txt files. You can run the script by
python3 your-corpus-name
This will result in four json files: words_corpus, bigram_corpus, trigram_corpus and fourgram_corpus.
- assumes your data is stored in the aforementioned json files. There are several arguments one can change in the running of the model.
- 5-component model of SKN on bigrams and NMF
dialectTopicModel.topic_model('skn', 'bigram', 'skn_bigram', 'nmf', 5, use_idf=True, norm='l2', sublinear=True)
- 2-component model of Archimob on words and LDA
dialectTopicModel.topic_model('archimob', 'words', 'archimob_words', 'lda', 2, relevance=True, lambda_=0.2)
- Samples of Spoken Finnish:
- Norwegian Dialect Corpus:
- Archimob Corpus of Swiss German: