Releases: Hedgefog/cs-halloween-mod
Releases · Hedgefog/cs-halloween-mod
Halloween Mod Release v6.4.2
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Disable hwn_objective_marks
plugin if you use AmxModX 1.8.2 and have crashes.
- Fixed objective marks spawn
Halloween Mod Release v6.4.1
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
- Fixed HHH NPC pathfinding
- Pumpkin no longer drops on suicide
Halloween Mod Release v6.4.0
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Additions and improvements:
- Added Skeletons Horde spell
- Added Intangibility spell
- Added objective marks
- Added player highlight
- Added Magic Wheel of Fate spell
- Added a random bonus drop from the bucket when scoring points
- Players now always drop pumpkin in collector gamemode
- Removed Fortune Wheel of Fate spell
- Reduced Monoculus rocket damage
- Increased Monoculus NPC hit range
- Increased crit pumpkin effect duration
- Increased Skeleton NPC damage
- Increased Spooky Pumpkin NPC health
- Increased Spooky Pumpkin NPC speed
- Reduced Ghost NPC speed
- Rare spells appear less frequently now
- Improved HHH NPC AI
- Improved Monoculus NPC AI
- Improved Skeleton NPC AI
- Improved collector gamemode win conditions
- Added glow for Monoculus NPC
- Increased light level for default gamemode
- Added Ukrainian translation
- Added hwn_objective_marks cvar
- Added hwn_player_highlight cvar
- Added hwn_player_highlight_primary_brightness cvar
- Added hwn_player_highlight_secondary_brightness cvar
- Added hwn_spellbook_rare_chance cvar
- Added hwn_bucket_bonus_chance cvar
- Fixed errors related to the blink spellball
Halloween Mod Release v6.3.0
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Additions and improvements:
- Added player preview when choosing cosmetics
- Force equipment change is now available on all spawn points
- Players can no longer cast spells during freezetime and with the FL_FROZEN flag
- Reduced Monoculus HP
- Added Monoculus levels
- Power Up spell now heals
- Reworked lightning spell
- Increased fireball speed
- Increased blinkball speed
- Event points are no longer created at enemy spawn
- Added spell groups (common, rare)
- Spellbook now indicates a spell group with different particles
- Improved NPC targeting and navigation
- Added spell flags to the spells api
- Added event points API
- Added Gifts API
- Improved magic glow particle
- Power Up spell optimization
- Player burn api optimization
- Many performance optimizations
- Round logic moved to the separate API
- Added hwn_pcosmetic_menu_preview cvar
- Added hwn_pcosmetic_menu_preview_light cvar
- Added hwn_spellbook_max_rare_spell_count cvar
- Fixed Power Up spell jump behavior
- Fixed jump animation for Power Up spell
- Fixed bug when monoculus can shoot while in stun
- Fixed crit sound volume
- Fixed invisibility spell fade effect
- Fixed gift spawn task
- Fixed temp entities with ignoreRounds flag behavior
- Fixed bots cosmetics
- iwillnotleave (player burn api and Power Up spell optimization)
Halloween Mod Release v6.2.0
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Additions and improvements:
- New team bucket
- Added round time for collector gamemode
- Added objectives blocking while the boss is alive
- Added boss spawning on team points collect
- Added bonuses for team bucket filling
- Added spells localization
- Added bosses localization
- Bots now use spells
- Bots are now equipped with random cosmetics
- Explosions now take obstacles into account
- Improved radius damage calculation
- Crit damage now applies only to players and NPCs
- Added a chance to drop a spellbook from an NPC on kill
- Buckets now ignore wallbang damage
- Added random equipment for bots
- Added drop forward flag to hwn_pumpkin_dispenser entity
- Removed drop direction flag from hwn_pumpkin_dispenser entity
- Added onhit mode for crit effects
- Improved explosion effect
- Improved custom lighting for default gamemode
- Improved overheal spell effect
- Added hwn_collector_roundtime cvar
- Added hwn_collector_roundtime_overtime cvar
- Added hwn_bucket_bonus_health cvar
- Added hwn_bucket_bonus_armor cvar
- Added hwn_bucket_bonus_ammo cvar
- Added hwn_collector_npc_drop_chance_spell cvar
- Added hwn_collector_teampoints_to_boss_spawn cvar
- Added hwn_bots_spells cvar
- Added hwn_bots_cosmetics cvar
- Fixed team score calculation for reapi version
- Fixed crit trace origin
- Fixed explosive pumpkin damage
Halloween Mod Release v6.1.0
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Additions and improvements:
- Reduced the fire rate boost for the powerup spell
- Added cvar to specify the number of spells on spawn
- New config loader implementation
- Increased flying range of blink spell ball
- Added Portuguese translation (by artYY)
- Updated Hungarian translation (by regener)
- Removed hwn_gamemode_spell_on_spawn cvar
- Added hwn_gamemode_spells_on_spawn cvar
- Fixed powerup spell effect duration
- Fixed spellball light
Halloween Mod Release v6.0.0
* contains RoundControl Module, do not use with ReAPI!
Additions and improvements:
- Added Wheel of Fate (random spell effects)
- Added crits
- Added crits spell
- Added a flash effect when picking up a pumpkin
- Added a flash effect while putting pumpkin into bucket
- Added Power Up spell
- Added Boss PVE
- Added showing of equipment menu when player respawning the first time
- Invisibility no longer invokes for nearby teammates
- Bosses will now kill the player when intersect while respawning
- Spellballs are now cast from view position
- Improved small skeletons spawning
- A new gift now appears only after picking up or disappear the old one
- NPCs can now walk up stairs
- Improved spells effects
- Improved HUD
- Money and Timer HUD in collector gamemode now hidden by default
- Added Hungarian translation (by regener)
- Renamed hwn_spawn_boss command to hwn_boss_spawn
- Added hwn_spellbook_max_spell_count cvar
- Added hwn_bucket_collect_flash cvar
- Added hwn_pumpkin_pickup_flash cvar
- Added hwn_wof_effect_time cvar
- Added hwn_collector_wof cvar
- Added hwn_collector_wof_delay cvar
- Added hwn_crits_damage_multiplier cvar
- Added hwn_crits_random cvar
- Added hwn_crits_random_chance_initial cvar
- Added hwn_crits_random_chance_max cvar
- Added hwn_crits_random_chance_bonus cvar
- Added hwn_crits_random_chance_penalty cvar
- Added hwn_crits_effect_trace cvar
- Added hwn_crits_effect_splash cvar
- Added hwn_crits_effect_flash cvar
- Added hwn_crits_effect_status_icon cvar
- Added hwn_crits_sound_use cvar
- Added hwn_crits_sound_hit cvar
- Added hwn_crits_sound_shoot cvar
- Added hwn_hud_collector_hide_money cvar
- Added hwn_hud_collector_hide_time cvar
- Added hwn_boss_pve cvar
- Added hwn_boss_spawn command
- Added hwn_wof_roll command
- Added hwn_wof_abort command
- Added hwn_spells_give command
- Added hwn_crits_toggle command
- Fixed boss healthbar display
- Fixed blink spell teleportation
- Fixed ru lang
- Fixed small skeletons getting stuck
- Fixed small skeleton hitbox
- Fixed respawn on join
Halloween Mod Release v4.0.0
halloween-mod-400 added build workflow