Calculation of solar radiation on a surface with any orientation and inclination according to VDI 6007-3
Engin Bagda,
The code calculates the daily and yearly solar irradiance on a surface with any orientation and inclination for a given place, located by its longitude and latitude. The code is based on standard VDI 6007-3:2015, confirmed 2021 “Calculation of transient thermal response of rooms and buildings – modelling of solar radiation”. This code differs from DIN 5034-2 “Daylight in interiors-Principles” explained in in the calculation of the amount of diffuse radiation to inclined surfaces.
Figure 1: Turbidity factors according to Linke over the year with a measured minimum value at day number 181
To calculate from horizontal diffuse radiation to a surface with any orientation
and inclination VDI-6007-3 uses conversions factors R. These differ for clear
and overcast skies.
For skies with mixed clouds is a coefficient SSW for solar probability is used.
SSW can be between 1
for totally clear sky and 0
for totally overcast days.
In the code SSW can be changed. In average for the year a value of 0.7 for SSW
is appropriate.
The code generates an Excel file SunRadiation.xlsx
. This includes a sheet
for the solar radiation on a chosen day to different oriented
surfaces with different inclinations, calculated in steps of 5 minutes
(see figure 2).
Figure 2: Solar radiation at day number 180 (30.June) for the place Mannheim with SSW: 1 and TF: 1.9
In the sheet ‘Daily-Values’ are the daily values for the solar radiation on different oriented surfaces with different inclinations (see figure 3).
Figure 3: Daily solar radiation for the place Mannheim with SSW: 1 and TF: 1.9
For more information to the code see: Berechnen der solaren Bestrahlungsstärke auf beliebig geneigte Flächen in Anlehnung an VDI 6007-3 - Heizen-Kühlen-Sparen (