- Calculated the camera intrinsic matrix & distortion coefficient
- Used arocu tags known dimensions as a reference
- Detect corners of aruco tags in view using OpenCV
- Triangulate the corners of aruco tags to get 3D pose
- Triangulates origin of object based on the center of the two tags
- Returns tvec & rvec
- Converts live streamed image to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space
- Define min & max HSV threshold, tuned to the color chosen & environment
- Creates alpha mask to eliminate colors outside of range
- Extract camera intrinsics from calibration
- Extract tvec & rvec from pose estimation
- Created json including the camera matrix & image transforms
- Fed json into Nvidia’s Instant NGP model
- Outputs flattened 3D matrix of densities
- Reconstructs 3D matrix from spliced version
- Fits a 2D bounding box to the summed topological splice
- Outputs length & width