We provide the MC simlation files of atmospheric neutrinos for the following experiments in HDF5 format. All of them can be downloaded from the Harvard Dataverse
- SuperK: No neutron tagging covering the first 3 phases of the experiment.
- SuperK with neutron tagging on Hydrogen: For phases 4 and 5 of SuperK and also used as HyperK's simulation file.
- SuperK with neutron tagging on Gd: Assumes the SuperK detector is loaded with Gd at the goal concentration of 0.1 % .
- IceCube - Upgrade: Copied from publibly available simulation from the IceCube Collaboration converted into .hdf5 format for completeness.
- ORCA: Projected simulation based on IceCube - Upgrade's upgrade Monte Carlo applying reported detector response.
We provide a simple python code to plot variables from these Monte Carlo files with different option to get you started.
The code uses pretty standard requirements which can be intalled via pip3
- h5py
- matplotlib
- numpy
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Follow the instruction below to produce your first plots:
plot_sim.py [-h] --experiment [{SK,SK-Htag,SK-Gd,ORCA,ICUp,HK}] --fname [FNAME]
[--variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]] [--flavor [{e,mu,e+mu,tau}]] [--CP [{nu,antinu,both}]]
[--interaction [{CC,NC,ALL,False}]] [--samples [SAMPLES]]
required arguments:
--experiment [{SK,SK-Htag,SK-Gd,ORCA,ICUp,HK}] Experiment you would like to use.
--fname [FNAME] Path to simulation file of the experiment you would like to use (SK, SK-Htag, SK-Gd, ORCA, ICUp or HK).
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...] Set of variables you want to plot. Deault variables are the true neutrino energy, the reconstructed cosine of zenith angle and the reconstructed neutrino energy.
--flavor [{e,mu,e+mu,tau}] Flavor cut and breakdown. Default is break down of $\nu_{e}$ and $\nu_{\mu}$.
--CP [{nu,antinu,both}] Flavor cut and breakdown. Default is break down of both.
--interaction [{CC,NC,ALL,False}] Interaction mode(s) cut and breakdown. Dafult is no breakdown or cut.
--samples [SAMPLES] Comma separated set of event samples you want to plot (for IC: tracks or cascades; for ORCA: tracks, intermediate or cascades; for SK and HK numerical indeces (displayed when calling these detectors)). Default is plotting all samples.
Variable name(s) | Description | Name in file |
neutrino ,nu |
Neutrino flavor | ipnu |
Enu ,E |
Neutrino energy (GeV) | pnu |
dirnu_x ,nudir_x |
Direction of neutrino, x | dirnuX |
dirnu_y ,nudir_y |
Direction of neutrino, y | dirnuY |
dirnu_z ,nudir_z ,cos_zen ,cos_zentih |
Neutrino cosine zenith | dirnuZ |
azi ,azimuth |
Neutrino azimuth angle | azi |
Plep ,plepton ,lepton_mom |
True lepton momentum (GeV/c) | plep |
dirlep_x ,lepton_dir_x |
True lepton direction, x | dirlepX |
dirlep_y ,lepton_dir_y |
True lepton direction, y | dirlepY |
dirlep_z ,lepton_dir_z |
True lepton direction, z | dirlepZ |
interaction ,int_mode ,mode |
Interaction mode | mode |
inv_mass |
Invariant mass of pi0 | imass |
mom_reco_mer |
Reco. momentum of most energetic ring (GeV/c) | pmax |
reco_energy |
Reconstructed energy (GeV) | evis |
recodir_x ,reco_dir_x |
Reconstructed direction, x | recodirX |
recodir_y ,reco_dir_y |
Reconstructed direction, y | recodirY |
recodir_z ,reco_dir_z ,reco_coszen |
Reconstructed direction, z (zenith) | recodirZ |
ring_ip ,reco_ring_ip ,ip |
Reco. ring ID | ip |
number_of_rings ,nring |
Number of reconstructed rings | nring |
muedk ,reco_decay_e |
Number of tagged decay electrons | muedk |
number_neutrons ,neutrons |
Number of tagged * neutrons | neutron |
itype ,event_type |
Event ID (sample index) | itype |
------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
- The number of tagged neutrons is only available in SK-Htag, SK-Gd and HK.
There are more variables in these files that may be useful for the user, please look at their usage in kamioka.py.
Variable name(s) | Description | Name in file |
neutrino ,nu |
Neutrino flavor | pdg |
Enu ,E |
Neutrino energy (GeV) | true_energy |
dirnu_z ,nudir_z ,cos_zen ,cos_zentih |
Neutrino cosine zenith (cos_zenith derived from) | true_zenith |
azi ,azimuth |
Neutrino azimuth angle | true_azimuth |
interaction ,int_mode ,mode |
Interaction mode: QE (0), RES (1), DIS (2), other (3) | interaction_type |
current ,current_type |
Neutral (0) or charged (1) current interaction | interaction_type |
reco_energy |
Reconstructed energy (GeV) | reco_energy |
reco_azi ,reco_azimuth |
Reconstructed azimuth | reco_azimuth |
recodir_z ,reco_dir_z ,reco_coszen |
Reconstructed direction, z (cos_zenith derived from) | reco_zenith |
itype ,event_type ,ip |
Event ID (sample index) | pid |
Q2 ,mom_transf |
Momentum transfer Q^2 (GeV^2/c^2) | Q2 |
W ,inv_mass_had |
Hadronic invariant mass (GeV/c^2) | W |
x_bjorken ,x |
Bjorken x variable | x |
y ,inelasticity |
Inelasticity of interaction | y |
cross_section ,xsec |
Cross section | xsec |
diff_cross_section ,dxsec |
Differential cross section | dxsec |
------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
There are more variables in these files that may be useful for the user, please look at their usage in south_pole.py.
The simulation file for ORCA follows the same notation and contains the same variables as the IceCube Upgrade one.
For further questions and details, please check our joint analysis paper or reach out to the authors.