Loading TidyConsultant
installs and attaches all of these packages at
The TidyConsultant packages are designed in mind for consultants who frequently work with heterogenous small-medium sized tabular data sets and interact with the messy world of MS office. This package builds on prior art from the tidyverse and officeverse and intends to provide useful functions for data scientists of any industry.
Marie Kondo, reknowned tidier
: understand the properties of a data frame. Which columns
make the data frame distinct? Do 2 columns have a 1-1 mapping or 1-many
mapping between values? What is overlap of unique values between 2
columns? Get quick summary of # unique, missing values, and a variety
of properties of numeric columns.
: simplifies common dplyr actions directly on a dataframe:
automated type coercion, dealing with NAs, padding characters, creating
dummies, importing files
: unified interface to creating and summarizing bins directly
in a data frame
: MS excel and powerpoint compatible output, with automated
naming and formatting
: simplified formula manipulation and modeling. Designed for
quick exploratory analysis and visualization.
Loading TidyConsultant
automatically installs and attaches the
packages in the the TC universe.
You can install and load the released version of TidyConsultant
with tidyverse
using the following code
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman"); library(pacman)
p_load(tidyverse, TidyConsultant)
This is a great template to start your R script. Put any additional
packages you may need inside the p_load