This library is an Alamofire wrapper allowing synchronous HTTP requests.
Basically, instead of using callbacks like this:
Alamofire.request(someRequest).response { reponse in
if response ...
HTTPTransport allows you to use a regular flow of control like this:
let result = transport.send(someRequest)
if result ...
N.B.: Library authors assume that you know your onions when it comes to build a mobile app, and leave the discussion about multithreading and synchronous networking drawbacks behind brackets.
pod 'HTTPTransport', :git => '[email protected]:RedMadRobot/http-transport.git'
Fundamental concept of the library is pretty straightforward: you have a request to send over a transport in order to receive some result — these are three main actors you are going to deal with.
Beside making actual HTTP calls, an HTTPTransport
instance holds non-functional requirements to your connection, like
keeping alive an established HTTP session, applied security measures, and default request and response processing stacks,
including error processing.
class HTTPTransport {
let session: Session
let requestInterceptors: [HTTPRequestInterceptor]
let responseInterceptors: [HTTPResponseInterceptor]
Read about Session and interceptors below.
A Swiss army knife multitool to satisfy all your needs when you are up to construct an HTTP request.
class HTTPRequest {
let httpMethod: HTTPMethod
let endpoint: String
var headers: [String: String]
var parameters: [HTTPRequestParameters]
var requestInterceptors: [HTTPRequestInterceptor]
var responseInterceptors: [HTTPResponseInterceptor]
let session: Session?
let timeout: TimeInterval
Works mostly as you would expect it to. First of all, it is a container object for an HTTP request envelope fields, including
an HTTPMethod
, an endpoint
(URL or its part), request headers and request body.
Second, each HTTPRequest
instance specifies its own timeout interval, a custom Session
(if needed), and two sets of
Interceptors to be applied to this particular request and its response. Most of these options have their default values,
so they won't bother you much.
class provides several ways to modify its contents, including an intelligent constructor, which allows to make
instances based on other HTTPRequest
instances, see Cook book's Basic dependent requests.
class HTTPRequest {
func with(header: String, value: String) -> Self
func with(cookieName name: String, value: String) -> Self
func with(cookie: HTTPCookie) -> Self
func with(parameter: String, value: Any, encoding: HTTPRequestParameters.Encoding) -> Self
func with(parameters: [String: Any], encoding: HTTPRequestParameters.Encoding) -> Self
func with(parameters: HTTPRequestParameters) -> Self
func with(parameters: [HTTPRequestParameters]) -> Self
func with(interceptors: [HTTPRequestInterceptor]) -> Self
func with(interceptors: [HTTPResponseInterceptor]) -> Self
let userSearchRequest =
HTTPRequest(endpoint: "/user")
.with(cookieName: "SESSION_ID", value: sessionId)
.with(parameters: ["first_name": "John", "last_name": "Appleseed"], encoding: .url)
Request parameters are represented with a separate container class HTTPRequestParameters
allowing each HTTPRequest
to include a few sets of parameters encoded differently.
There are two children that extend HTTPRequest
: DataUploadHTTPRequest
and FileUploadHTTPRequest
. Both are pretty much
self-explanatory; they serve to upload Data
and files respectively.
The third main actor, representing the outcome of an HTTP call. Either a .success
or a .failure
enum Result {
case success(response: HTTPResponse)
case failure(error: NSError)
The main idea you need to know is that the definition of successful HTTP call or failed HTTP call varies depending on the validation techniques you apply.
By default, Alamofire's validate()
method is called (see HTTPTransport.useDefaultValidation
property), which means only
the responses with a 2xx
status are considered successful, otherwise they are translated into an error.
Disabling useDefaultValidation
will lead to success in cases when there was any kind of a response from the server,
no matter what the answer was, and fail in cases like when the Internet connection is down.
On the low level, responses are influenced by the set of response interceptors, which are applied before the
Alamofire's validation. This is why you might consider putting a ClarifyErrorInterceptor
into your transport response
interceptors' stack, as it enriches the resulting NSError
Essentially, a dictionary with an additional property of how this dictionary is going to be encoded.
class HTTPRequestParameters {
var parameters: [String: Any]
let encoding: Encoding
subscript(parameterName: String) -> Any? { get set }
enum Encoding {
case json
case url
case propertyList
case custom(encode: EncodeFunction)
and propertyList
are encoded into the body, url
parameters go into the query string.
Your HTTPRequest
may contain several sets of HTTPRequestParameters
class HTTPRequest {
var parameters: [HTTPRequestParameters]
let request =
parameters: [
HTTPRequestParameters(parameters: ["name": "John"], encoding: .json),
HTTPRequestParameters(parameters: ["dob": "12/12/12"], encoding: .json),
HTTPRequestParameters(parameters: ["age": 5], encoding: .url),
The rules here:
- parameters with the same encoding are merged into a single dictionary;
- parameters with the same encoding and same keys override previous values in the merged dictionary;
- parameters are appended after the
request parameters with the same encoding; - parameters override
parameters with the same encoding and same keys; propertyList
parameters andjson
parameters do not mix in one body, they overwrite each other; last-in wins;FileUploadHTTPRequest
requests ignorejson
parameters are appended after the file multipart;DataUploadHTTPRequest
requests ignore bothpropertyList
Session object holds Alamofire's SessionManager
and provides convenient way to configure connection security with the Security
class Session {
let manager: SessionManager
convenience init()
init(security: Security)
object allows to check hosts against certificate fingerprints:
class Security {
class var noEvaluation: Security
init(certificates: [Certificate])
struct Certificate {
let host: String
let fingerprint: Fingerprint
enum Fingerprint {
case sha1(fingerprint: String)
case sha256(fingerprint: String)
case publicKey(fingerprint: String)
case debug
case disable
Host names are checked by the string intersection. This means Certificate(host: "", fingerprint:...)
is applied
for URLs like
et al.
and HTTPResponseInterceptor
are abstract middleware classes, inspired by
OkHTTP interceptors,
Django middlewares et al. Interceptors alter input and output,
each HTTPTransport
instance contains two lists of request and reponse interceptors subsequently applied to every request and
response respectively.
In other words, when your app sends a request through the transport, latter passes this request through its list of request interceptors before the actual sending. After the response is received, transport passes it through the list of response interceptors before transfering it to your app.
class HTTPRequestInterceptor {
func intercept(request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest
class HTTPResponseInterceptor {
func intercept(response: RawResponse) -> RawResponse
struct RawResponse {
let request: URLRequest?
let response: HTTPURLResponse?
let data: Data?
let error: Error?
Interceptors may or may not alter the data they process. For instance, one of your request interceptors may add an
header to every request. Other request interceptor might only print request data into the console log.
You implement your own interceptors by extending the classes mentioned above. HTTPTransport library already includes some basic utility interceptors, like:
— allow you to log requests and responses;AddCookieInterceptor
— adds cookies fromcookieProvider
to each request;ReceivedCookieInterceptor
— stores received cookies tocookieStorage
— translates JSON payloads with API errors like{"code": 500, "message": "Database error"}
instances, see below.
HTTPTransport provides an extension for the existing NSError
class with some utility properties with additional parts
of the received HTTP response, if any.
Most of them will only work if the ClarifyErrorInterceptor
was engaged.
extension NSError {
var url: String? // contains URL when HTTPRequest have failed to serialize into URLRequest
var httpStatusCode: HTTPStatusCode? // HTTP status
var responseBodyData: Data? // received bytes
var responseBodyString: String? // received bytes as UTF8 string
var responseBodyJSON: Any? // received bytes as a JSON object
var responseBodyJSONDictionary: [String: Any]? // received JSON object casted to dictionary
var responseBodyErrorCode: String? // parsed error code from received JSON
var responseBodyErrorMessage: String? // parsed error message from received JSON
- Basic GET request
- Basic dependent requests
- Logging
- Send and receive cookies
- POST request with body & URL parameters
- SSL pinning with SHA1 fingerprint
// assuming all following code runs in a background thread
let request = HTTPRequest(endpoint: "")
let transport = HTTPTransport()
let result: HTTPTransport.Result = transport.send(request: request)
switch result {
case .success(let httpResponse):
do {
if let json: [String: Any] = try httpResponse.getJSONDictionary() {
} catch {
print("JSONSerialization error")
case .failure(let nsError):
if let httpStatus: HTTPStatusCode = nsError.httpStatusCode {
} else {
// assuming all following code runs in a background thread
let transport = HTTPTransport()
let baseRequest =
HTTPRequest(endpoint: "")
.with(header: "User-Agent", value: "Application/iOS")
let authRequest = HTTPRequest(endpoint: "/session", base: baseRequest)
let authResult = transport.send(request: authRequest)
if let sessionId: String = getSessionId(authResult) {
let userSearchRequest =
HTTPRequest(endpoint: "/user", base: baseRequest)
.with(cookieName: "SESSION_ID", value: sessionId)
.with(parameters: ["first_name": "John", "last_name": "Appleseed"], encoding: .url)
let searchResult = transport.send(request: userSearchRequest)
if let users: [User] = getUsers(searchResult) {
} else {
} else {
let transport = HTTPTransport(
requestInterceptors: [
LogRequestInterceptor(logLevel: LogRequestInterceptor.LogLevel.url),
responseInterceptors: [
LogResponseInterceptor(logLevel: LogResponseInterceptor.LogLevel.everything),
let result = transport.send(...)
let cookieStorage: CookieStoring & CookieProviding = getCookieStorage()
let transport = HTTPTransport(
requestInterceptors: [
AddCookieInterceptor(cookieProvider: cookieStorage),
responseInterceptors: [
ReceivedCookieInterceptor(cookieStorage: cookieStorage),
let result = transport.send(...)
let urlParameters = HTTPRequestParameters(
parameters: ["first_name" : "John"],
encoding: .url
let bodyParameters = HTTPRequestParameters(
parameters: ["salary" : 100000],
encoding: .json
let updateSalaryRequest = HTTPRequest(
endpoint: "",
parameters: [urlParameters, bodyParameters]
let result = transport.send(request: updateSalaryRequest)
let fingerprint =
"ED D6 27 B8 8B 51 B0 24 B9 BF 90 4C D4 AB 9A AB E2 4B 93 00"
.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
let security = Security(
certificates: [
TrustPolicyManager.Certificate(host: "", fingerprint: .sha1(fingerprint: fingerprint))
let transport = HTTPTransport(security: security)
let result = transport.send(request: HTTPRequest(endpoint: ""))
You may have noticed that our library tries not to expose Alamofire interfaces. There is a simple idea to get rid of this transitive dependency, and to erect an independent logic on top of the URLSession framework.
These far-reaching plans require significant efforts we cannot afford right now. Still, it is a major target we aspire to hit eventually.
So, pull requests are welcome, but consider creating a tentative issue before the actual coding.