A simple SMTP adapter for luckyframework/carbon
using the great work of arcage/crystal-email
require "carbon-smtp-adapter"
# Recommended to pass your informations about your SMTP connection via ENV
domain = ENV.fetch("SMTP_MAIL_DOMAIN")
username = ENV.fetch("SMTP_MAIL_USERNAME")
password = ENV.fetch("SMTP_MAIL_PASSWORD")
port = ENV.fetch("SMTP_MAIL_PORT"){ "587" }.to_i
# Create a new SMTP configuration
config = EMail::Client::Config.new(domain, port)
config.use_auth(username, password)
# Settings up your Carbon adapter.
adapter = Carbon::SMTPAdapter.new(config)
mail = ... # check the mail object of Carbon API to create a proper email/
# Send a mail
Not yet. I'm struggling with my time the last months and cannot work as much as I would expect in open source projects.
However, I use it in a production project; if you want to use it, feel free to open issues if you have any questions!