One assumption of multi-armed bandit problems is that the reward distribution is stationary. How- ever, in real-life problems, the reward distribution can be non-stationary, i.e. the parameter of the distribution can change with time. This paper handles non-stationary multi-armed bandit problems by modelling the bandit processes as Gaussian processes to balance exploration and exploitation. Further, we introduce a switching cost into this problem to make the problem more practical but at the same time, more challenging. In order to handle the switching cost, Gaussian process regression along with dynamic programming is utilized. The empirical results show that we should reduce exploration when the switching cost is high.
Our python version is 3.9.7.
git clone && cd restless-bandit
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
pip install -e .
The experiments are done in experiment.ipynb and new_experiments.ipynb. The results of experiments are stored in "result" and "new result" file.
restless bandit problem demo1.ipynb