Explore my sample Angular application! It demonstrates how I like to structure my projects. It's still evolving as I learn and I plan to enhance it with new insights.
- Design:
- Controls: PrimeNG
- Custom Styling/Grid System: PrimeFlex
- Icons: PrimeIcons
- Achitecture:
- Container/Presenter pattern
- Standalone components
- OnPush change detection strategy
- Reactive forms
- State Management: NRGX
- Translations: Transloco
- Lazy loaded routes
- Code quality:
- Code Formatting: Prettier
- Linting: ESLint
Still to add:
- Client-Side validation
- Error handling
- Defining a locale
- Security
- Testing (maybe)
- Signals
- New syntax for control flow
- Core: for app scoped components, services, etc. Things required to build the shell of the application.
- Shared: Reusable components, directives, and pipes that can be utilized across different parts of the application.
- Feature Modules: Represent distinct functional areas and are not to be confused with Angular modules. A module, is divided into features. A feature consists of a container (smart) component and presenter (dumb) components.