I am new to Flask (a python framework) and I am learning the basics of flask from the documentation of the Flask Although understanding the docs of a language or framework is a tough task so I am following YouTube tutorials as well along with a Book "Flask Framework CookBook" For my practice purpose I am developing this blog, and sharing it here as it will help the other students like me to learn as well.
Flask is a minimalistic framwork, due to which people usually think it is unable to develop big applications which is totally wrong, Here the word minimaltic means this framework is come with less pre installed tool but you can install as much as you want.
Mostly developers develop app with the flask which based on only one python file app.py which holds the routes, Datamodel and all the other necessory stuff of the app which make it more complex and we start avoiding flask for developing the larg-scale applications.
I developed this blog app which is offcourse not a big application I divided this app into small modules like my Database models are in seprate folder and Routes are in a seprate place like Database models. By this way app is becoming more organized and it will be easy as well to expand it as much you like.
I have implemented all the possible different ways to perform the same tasks. . . .
Database script is included in the folder you can download it.