Video Presentation
6420422002 Tanakorn Withuratธนากร วิธุรัติ
6420422008 Wannapa Sripen วรรณนภา ศรีเพ็ญ
6420422011 Juntanee Pattanasukkul จันทร์ทนีย์ พัฒนสุขกุล
6420422017 Witsarut Wongsim วิศรุต วงศ์ซิ้ม
6420422021 Suchawalee Jeeratanyasakul สุชาวลี จีระธัญญาสกุล
- Use Python to write the data source line-by-line from the CSV to SQL database (DB) (source part). The writing duration (d) must be random and between 0 < d < 2 seconds.
- Connect the SQL DB to a Kafka cluster via topic1.
- Clean the data in topic1 using ksqlDB and then submit it to topic2.
- Analyze the data in topic2 using ksqlDB and then submit it to topic3. The source part (NoSQL DB) will incrementally consume the data from topic3
- Visualize the real-time data from topic3 using tools such as Plotly, etc..
- Conduct analytics based on your questions
- Set up and answer three questions easy, e.g., simple statistics medium, e.g., join, windowed, etc. hard, e.g., analytical insight
The objective of this project is to design and implement a data-streaming and real-time analytics system that can be used to analyze college students' food and cooking preferences data from Kaggle. The project involves data cleansing and analytics to be done in real-time. The project uses the Food Choices dataset available on Kaggle. The dataset contains 106 records and 61 columns.
The system design for the project is as follows:
Use Python to write the data source line-by-line from the CSV to SQL database (DB) (source part). The writing duration (d) must be random and between 0 < d < 2 seconds.
Connect the SQL DB to a Kafka cluster via topic1.
Clean the data in topic1 using ksqlDB and then submit it to topic2.
Analyze the data in topic2 using ksqlDB and then submit it to topic3.
The source part (NoSQL DB) will incrementally consume the data from topic3
Visualize the real-time data from topic3 using tools such as Plotly, etc.
Conduct analytics based on your questions
Set up and answer three questions:
- Easy, e.g., simple statistics
- Medium, e.g., join, windowed, etc.
- Hard, e.g., analytical insight
Get the connectors To get started, download the connectors for Postgres, MongoDB, and Elasticsearch to a fresh directory. The easiest way to do this is by using confluent-hub.
Create a directory for your components:
mkdir confluent-hub-components
First, acquire the Postgres Debezium connector:
confluent-hub install --component-dir confluent-hub-components --no-prompt debezium/debezium-connector-postgresql:1.1.0
Likewise for the MongoDB Debezium connector:
confluent-hub install --component-dir confluent-hub-components --no-prompt debezium/debezium-connector-mongodb:1.1.0
And finally, the Elasticsearch connector:
confluent-hub install --component-dir confluent-hub-components --no-prompt confluentinc/kafka-connect-elasticsearch:10.0.1
ref : Debezium Connector for MongoDB
download zip file "" and unzip cmd in folder
Create docker file from the ksqlDB tutorial page.
After docker build is complete, run the file to create a table inside Postgres, read csv file, and insert into Postgres.
You can check Postgres with the following command:
docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash
psql -U postgres-user customers
Inside Ksql, run the command to check:
customers=# select * from foodcoded;
Run the file to import data from the food_coded.csv file.
Start Ksql to create the connector.
docker exec -it ksqldb-cli ksql http://ksqldb-server:8088 SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
To create a source connector:
CREATE SOURCE CONNECTOR customers_reader WITH ( 'connector.class' = 'io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector', 'database.hostname' = 'postgres', 'database.port' = '5432', 'database.user' = 'postgres-user', 'database.password' = 'postgres-pw', 'database.dbname' = 'customers', '' = 'localhost', 'table.whitelist' = 'public.foodcoded', 'transforms' = 'unwrap', 'transforms.unwrap.type' = 'io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState', 'transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones' = 'false', 'transforms.unwrap.delete.handling.mode' = 'rewrite' );
Create a Stream topic foodcoded for input data:
CREATE STREAM foodcoded WITH (kafka_topic = 'localhost.public.foodcoded', value_format = 'avro');
Create a Stream topic food_clean for cleaning data ksql command in food_clean.sql.
Create a Stream topic for analyze data ksql command in food_analyze.sql.
To create a sink connector:
CREATE SINK CONNECTOR `mongodb_foodcoded_sink` WITH ( "connector.class"='com.mongodb.kafka.connect.MongoSinkConnector', "key.converter"='', "value.converter"='io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter', "value.converter.schema.registry.url"='http://schema-registry:8081', "key.converter.schemas.enable"='false', "value.converter.schemas.enable"='true', "tasks.max"='1', "connection.uri"='mongodb://root:rootpassword@mongodb:27017/admin?readPreference=primary&appname=ksqldbConnect&ssl=false', "database"='foodcoded_db', "collection"='foodcoded_analyze', "topics"='food_analyze');
Data visualization from mongoDB with python Using Dash plotly
5.1 app version
Dash is running on
จาก Histrogram เพศชายมีน้ำหนักมากกว่าเพศหญิง
Dash is running on
5.2 jupyter notebook version
จาก Pivot table ทั้งเพศชายและหญิง คนที่กิน comford food กินเพราะว่าช่วยบรรเทาการเครียด และมีความเบื่ออาหาร
วิธีการไดเอทแต่ละชั้นปี ทุก Grade Level ใช้วิธี ทานผักผลไม้และอาหารเพื่อสุขภาพ แต่วิธีการที่รองลงมาแตกต่างกันดังนี้ Senior : more protein Junior : current diet Sophomore & Freshman : home cooked / organic
คนส่วนมากคิดว่าอาหารที่มีแคลลอรรี่มากที่สุดคือ waffle รองลงมาคือ tortilla ในทางตรงกันข้ามคนส่วนใหญ่กลับคิดว่า scone มีแคลลอรี่น้อยที่สุด
น้ำหนักและGPA ไม่ได้มีความสัมพันธ์เชิงเส้นต่อกัน