List projects & team members from the July 2016 Hackathon
Beyond Brexit: Creating dialogue and action for a country divided
Brexit is one of the most controversial and seismic political events in the UK’s recent history. Yet throughout the pre-referendum campaigns and aftermath of Brexit many questions remain unanswered and the future unclear.
Regardless of whether you voted in or out, this two day event is open to the tech and non-tech community to join forces to create dialogue and action beyond Brexit.
We invite you to hack three key themes:
- Truth, fiction, & accountability
- Tolerance & prejudice
- Effective organising & campaigning
- Jekyll
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- GitHub Pages
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
jekyll serve --force_polling
- Visit
- Pop! Outside the eco-chamber
- Ministers Under the Influence
- The Other Voices
- Brex Lex
- Exit Gap
- I Streetwatch
- Brexit Net
- What The Fact?
- Fixit
- Tanya Powell, Eddie Jaoude, Hyewon Kim, Charlotte Fereday