This is a personal learning project. It is not purely handwritten by myself, but has been edited and greatly revised by myself.
Salute to Mr.6.5.
- You can choose to compile it once in
, or you can enter the directory to open
file for compilation; - If the subproject is not loaded, please check the comments in
; - The compiled executable file is in the bin directory of the same level as the source code;
- Currently Qt5 and Qt6.2 versions are available;
- Win, linux, mac, uos and other systems can run freely;
Number | Folder | Description |
1 | lightbutton | Highlight button control |
2 | movewidget | Generic widget moving class |
3 | flatui | mimics the flatui class |
4 | countcode | Code Statistics Component |
5 | gifwidget | Screen Recording Controls |
6 | comtool | Serial debugging assistant |
7 | nettool | Network debugging assistant |
8 | devicesizetable | Hard Disk Capacity Control |
9 | styledemo | High imitation PS black + flat white + light blue style theme |
10 | navbutton | Navigation Button Control |
11 | videopanel | Video surveillance screen segmentation demo |
12 | framelesswidget | Cross-platform borderless form |
13 | ipaddress | IP address input control |
14 | bgdemo | Transparent form without border background |
15 | dbpage | General database page query |
16 | pngtool | PNG image warning removal tool |
17 | savelog | Log redirection output class |
18 | saveruntime | Runtime record class |
19 | colorwidget | Color Picker |
20 | maskwidget | Mask layer window |
21 | battery | Battery Level Controls |
22 | lineeditnext | Text box carriage return focus down |
23 | zhtopy | Chinese characters to Pinyin |
24 | qwtdemo | The source code version of qwt, no need for plug-ins, you can directly integrate the source code into your project |
25 | devicebutton | Device button map effect |
26 | mouseline | Mouse Positioning Crosshair |
27 | emailtool | Email Sending Tool |
28 | ntpclient | NTP server time synchronization |
29 | lunarcalendarwidget | Lunar widget |
30 | videowidget | Common Video Controls |
31 | screenwidget | Screenshot Controls |
32 | imageswitch | Image switch control |
33 | echartgauge | echart dashboard with interactive support webkit and webengine |
34 | ffmpegdemo | video streaming ffmpeg kernel |
35 | vlcdemo | video streaming vlc kernel |
36 | key | Key Generator |
37 | live | Program Daemon |
38 | designer | QtDesigner4 source code |
39 | netserver | Network relay server |
40 | mpvdemo | video streaming mpv kernel |
41 | miniblink | miniblink example |
42 | base64 | Image and text base64 interchange |
43 | smoothcurve | smooth curve |