Judge-d is a JS CLI tool for publishing and validating contracts using judge-d API.
$ npm i judge-d -g
$ judge-d --help
Help output:
judge-d publish Publish contracts
judge-d verify Verify contracts
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
$ judge-d publish --help
Publish contracts
--url Url to judge-d instance [string] [required]
--serviceName Service name [string] [required]
--serviceVersion Service version [string] [required]
Required one of:
--pactsDir Path to directory with pacts [string]
--swaggerFile Path to swagger json file [string]
$ judge-d verify --help
It verifies contracts and generates HTML report if outFile is provided
--url Url to judge-d instance [string] [required]
--serviceName Service name [string] [required]
--serviceVersion Service version [string] [required]
--environment Environment name [string] [required]
--outFile Path with HTML report filename, ex. report.html [string]