Supplementary Materials for the book, Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction, published by Princeton University Press in 2017. It is also available for purchase at vendors like Amazon.
The book is based on the teaching philosophy summarized in the talk I gave at the Nuffield Foundation's Q-Step Programme in 2015: slides
This repository contains the data sets and R scripts for all of the chapters:
In addition, the repository contains:
The data and code in this repository are also available as an
R package qss
(see the package website). The code is in
the form of vignettes. To install this package, use the following command:
install.packages("devtools") # if you have not installed devtools package already
devtools::install_github("kosukeimai/qss-package", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Once the qss
package is installed, you can use the data and vignette:
data(package = "qss") # list all data sets
data(elections) # load the elections data
vignette(package = "qss") # list all vignettes
browseVignette("qss") # list vignettes and R code
vignette("causality", package = "qss") # show the vignette for the Causality chapter