Analysis tool for reading hipo4 files with clas12root
Ensure both ROOTSYS and CLAS12ROOT are environment variables (see for details on installing CLAS12ROOT). For ROOT, we need 6.24.06, which should automatically install with 'module load clas12/pro'
Load in the CLAS12Analysis git repo, along with submodules (currently on brufit)
git clone --recurse-submodules
Install brufit first, as the CLAS12Analysis repo depends on it heavily for fitting. Read the README inside brufit for instructions
Exit brufit and open the CLAS12Analysis directory. Enter into the build directory
cd build
./ --prefix=/path/to/CLAS12Analysis/
within the build directory -
make install
within the build directory -
Leave the build directory and check to see that a lib and include directory have been created.
In your home directory, edit the .cshrc, add the following line
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/path/to/CLAS12Analysis/lib
Reopen your terminal or
source ~/.cshrc
to have the LD_LIBRARY_PATH appended to -
Keep in mind that, as of the current git build, I have not figured out how to
in programs such as macros/rg-a/pipi0_process.C. You will need to edit the path to the corresponding header files yourself.
- build/
- Directory containing necessary files for building/making the library
- data/
- Directory for storing ".root" files after processing/post-processing hipo4 files. The ".root" files stored here typically contain TTrees of particle kinematics, event variables, and other postprocessing features (such as diphoton mass for pi0 decays)
- include/
- Directory created after running 'make' in "build". See Setup for instructions
- lib/
- Same as above
- macros/
- Directory which hosts two types of analysis scripts. All of these scripts are intended for the user to edit and run themselves. There is no other directory (other than src/ and slurm/) which the user must edit files within to conduct their desired analysis.
- Processing Scripts: These C++ macros are run via clas12root (ex:
clas12root pipi0_process.root
). The macro creates aSIDISKinematicsReco
object from the compiled library, and serves as the backbone of the analysis. ASettings
object is additionally created, allowing the user to set cuts for the analysis using built-in functions. This object is also used to specify which banks the user wants to analyze (Monte Carlo and/or Reco). Lastly, after all events within the hipo4 file had been analyzed, the user can set a post processing method. This will trigger theSIDISKinematicsReco
object to reload the reconstructed event TTree to perform additional analysis, storing the results in tree_postprocess. Some scripts are listed with the tagpostprocess_only
. These scripts will quickly load up a pre-existing reconstructed event TTree to run a newly defined post-processing method. Post-processing methods can be found in src/PostProcess.C - Analysis Scripts: These C++ macros are (typically) .ipynb files. They read in the TTree's (tree_MC , tree_reco, tree_postprocess ) created by the aforementioned processing scripts.
- Processing Scripts: These C++ macros are run via clas12root (ex:
- Directory which hosts two types of analysis scripts. All of these scripts are intended for the user to edit and run themselves. There is no other directory (other than src/ and slurm/) which the user must edit files within to conduct their desired analysis.
- slurm/
- Directory containing the shell script
. This shell script is edited by the user to run parallel Processing Scripts in macros/. The script is told which directory contains the .hipo files of interest, then loops over each file in the list, creating a slurm job for each. A tutorial on how to use slurm shell scripts is included in tutorials/
- Directory containing the shell script
- src/
- Directory containing several .C and .h files for conducting the analysis. Workflow follows
, which loops over events in theprocess_events
method. Any user edits to this file will not take into effect until the library is recompiled with make
- Directory containing several .C and .h files for conducting the analysis. Workflow follows
- tutorials/
- Directory containing some basic tutorial scripts for processing hipo files and slurm scripts using the library.
To get started using the library, cd tutorials/
and open up the tutorial_1a_rga_dihadron.C file with a text editor. Here, you can specify the hipo4 file desired for the analysis (its already setup for you at this stage), the cuts you want to apply, and the postprocessing method you want to complete. The file has plenty of comments to get you familiarized with how the cuts are set. Additional methods do exist in src/Settings.h, so feel free to check those out and play around with them.
** Please note you must change the location of the header files in #include
to match their location in your local repo **
To run the tutorial script, type...
clas12root tutorial_1a_rga_dihadron.C
While running, the program uses functions native to clas12root
to read hipo banks event-by-event. The program identifies the scattered electron to skip events which do not satisfy
Using root, we can then open the output.root
file to check out the resulting TTrees. I'd recommend printing each of the trees to see what exactly was stored. More information on how tree_reco
and tree_MC
store their data can be found by digging through src/SIDISKinematicsReco.C.
root output.root
If you have graphics enabled, you can plot the diphoton mass stored in tree_postprocess
. The parameter (flag) saved in the tree tells the user (-1 --> diphotons did not originate from same parent pi0) or (1 --> diphotons originated from same parent pi0)
With an understanding of how processing macros, such as tutorial_1a_rga_dihadron.C
, work, we can begin taking advantage of slurm to process many HIPO files in parallel. The first program provided in the tutorial which accomplishes this is
. This shell script will (after user-edits) send 4 slurm analysis jobs of tutorial_2a_rgc_inclusive.C
for 4 separate runs of RGC. The user can open tutorial_2a_rgc_inclusive.C
to see the settings selected in the analysis.
To send the 4 analysis jobs, first open the
shell script. Inside, you should see comments denoting where the user will typically need to edit the shell script to personalize it, set the location of the hipo files, coding macros and beam energies. Three fields must be edited for the program to operate. These are username
, CLAS12Analysisdir
, and clas12rootdir
Sending the jobs is accomplished by typing
The progress of the slurm jobs can be monitored by the squeue -u <USERNAME>
command. The shell script should also output the location of the root files, output & error text files being generated. All in all, you will be left with 4 root files, each containing the separate analysis of a single RGC run.
A slurm script with extra steps has been added for the purpose of RGC analysis,
. As of August 26th 2022, cooked RGC trains for sidis/dvcs are located in /volatile/clas12/rg-c/production/ana_data/dst/train/sidisdvcs. Since there are several dozen HIPO files here, this slurm script sends every HIPO file in that directory individually to tutorial_2a_rgc_inclusive.C
, passing it through the SIDISKinematicsReco workflow. After all jobs are completed, an extra step, handled by the program macros/
, uses the RCDB (Run Conditions Database) to organize the several dozen analyzed ROOT files into subdirectories. These subdirectories are currently split by the target type (NH3, ND3, C) and whether or not the half wave plate (which flips the incoming electron's beam helicity before striking the target) is IN or OUT. A final rcdb.csv
is created in the ROOT file output directory, storing some key RCDB values such as target polarization, nEvents, etc.
Author: Gregory Matousek
Contact: [email protected]