This data engineering pipeline is designed to treat single-cell CUT&Tag InDrop with protocol design from the Institut Curie SingleCellOmics Platform and Vallot Lab. The dataset starts from raw BCL sequencing files to exploitable output such as count matrices, coverage file and report.
- 0. Creation of config file
- 1. Cell barcode mapping
- 2. Trimming
- 3. Genomic mapping
- 4. Assignation of cell barcodes to mapped read
- 5. Removal of Reverse Transcription (RT) & Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) duplicates
- 6. Removal of reads based on window screening (if Read2 was unmapped)
- 7. Counting (Generation of count matrix)
- 8. Generation of coverage file (bigwig)
- 9. Reporting
- 10. Downstream R automatic analysis
usage : schip_processing All -f FORWARD -r REVERSE -o OUTPUT -c CONFIG [-d] [-h] [-v]
All Execute the entire pipeline based on CONFIG file
GetConf [PreRun] Complete a configuration template based on the genome assembly and the design type
--version : print version
-f|--forward R1_READ: forward fastq file
-r|--reverse R2_READ: forward fastq file
-c|--conf CONFIG: configuration file for ChIP processing
-o|--output OUTPUT: output folder
-n|--name NAME: name given to samples
-s|--downstreamOutput R analysis downstream output: if present, will run downstream analysis in given dir
-u|--override : Override defined arguments (semicolon-separated (;)) from config file (i.e: 'MIN_MAPQ=0;MIN_BAPQ=10') [optional]
[-d|--dryrun]: dry run mode
[-h|--help]: help
[-v|--version]: version
-T/--template : Pipeline config template
-C/--configFile : Config description file
-D/--designType : Design type
-G/--genomeAssembly : Genome assembly
-O/--outputConfig : Output config file
-O/--mark : Histone mark : either 'h3k27me3', 'h3k4me3' or 'unbound'.
-B/--targetBed : Target BED file
Depending on your Bead type (Hifibio or LBC), your genomeAssembly (hg38, mm10), your bed target file.
Example :
cd ~/GitLab/ChIP-seq_single-cell_LBC_PAIRED_END_3.4/
./ GetConf --template CONFIG_TEMPLATE --configFile species_design_configs.csv --designType LBC --genomeAssembly ${ASSEMBLY} --outputConfig ${OUTPUT_CONFIG} --mark ${MARK} --targetBed ${TARGET_BED}
./ All -f ${READ1} -r ${READ2} -c ${OUTPUT_CONFIG} -o ${OUTPUT_DIR} --name ${NAME} -s ${DOWNSTREAM_DIR}
Authors - Gregoire Jouault ([email protected]), Pacôme Prompsy, Nicolas Servant date - 04 september 2023