Snakemake pipelines to process FASTQ files from bulk epigenomics such as ChIP-seq, CUT&Tag, Chromatin Indexing. It can take as input Human samples (hg38), mouse samples (mm10) or PDX samples (hg38 for the tumor, mm10 for the mouse Tumor Micro Environment).
All the tools needed are embedded in a Singularity Environment, allowing you to
run the pipeline in a containarized environment (see Singularity).
Command Line:
bash ../sample_sheets/SampleSheet_CutTag_Human_Tumors.tsv $kdi/ChIP_seq/Test_bulkEpigenomics_CutTag_hT/
In order to set up the bulk Epigenomics pipeline, first download the github repository to a directory of your choice:
git clone [email protected]:vallotlab/bulk_Epigenomics
Then, download the Singularity Image at link comming soon, containing all the tools needed for each step of the package. This means you do not need any additional installation except :
- singularity (see Singularity)
- python3 (Python) and pandas python package (pandas)
You need to have a bowtie2 index of either Human (hg38) or Mouse (mm10) genomes (see Bowtie2). In the species_design_configs.tsv, you'll need to modify all the bowtie2_index and second_species_bowtie2_index columns with the prefix towards the bowtie2 indexes.
You finally need to modify the script changing:
- script_dir=~/GitLab/bulk_Epigenomics/ -> Path towards the downloaded repository
- image=~/Singularity/bulk_Epigenomics/bulkEpigenomics.sif -> Path towards the downloaded Image
- bind_directory=/data/ -> Root directory of the directory where the FASTQ files are located. This directory will be mounted in the container.
- cores=20 -> Number of cores you want to use
You are now set up and can move towards creating your sample sheet !
Now copy and modify the 'SampleSheet_test_PE.csv' sample sheet for paired-end data or the 'SampleSheet_test_SE.csv' sample sheet for single-end data.
Note : the SampleSheet_template.csv is formatted for use on the Institut Curie HPC, and can be used to run the pipeline on output FASTQs from the KDI
Now launch the pipeline with the following command:
bash ../sample_sheets/SampleSheet_CutTag_Human_Tumors.tsv $kdi/ChIP_seq/Test_bulkEpigenomics_CutTag_hT/